Six lauded for innovative ways of engaging students

28 Aug 2017

The Straits Times, 26 Aug 2017 - Article featured recipients of the President’s Award for Teachers, which for the first time has been extended to include educators from the ITE and polytechnics to recognise their role in technical and vocational education, as well as lifelong learning. One of the six recipients is SP’s School of Communication, Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) Senior Academic Mentor Kwa Lay Ping. Similar story was reported in Channel NewsAsia. Similar story reported in Lianhe Zaobao shared how Lay Ping believes in pushing students out of their comfort zone. She will often critic their work harshly and make them work with tight deadlines to push their limits. As the media industry is very fast paced and dynamic, she hopes these harsh ‘practices’ will be useful for them when they eventually enter the industry. Despite her harsh teaching methods, she ensures that her students understand why she is doing so and keeps in touch with them on social media. Lay Ping shared that she initially only intended to teach for three years but seeing the positive impact on her students led her to continue for more than 10 years.  


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