Gloria Ling
Certificate of Merit Award
JTC Corporation Award
Earthquake Competition Third Award
Director’s Honors Roll Award in the second year of diploma
Director’s Honors Roll Award in the first year of diploma
Recycling Competition Second Award
Bentley Bridge Competition Consolidation Award
Class of 2011, DCEM, Singapore Polytechnic, School of ABE
Diploma in Civil Engineering & Management is definitely the best choice I ever made after I completed my NITEC (Civil Engineering) in ITE. It gives me a strong foundation of engineering knowledge and many valuable experiences which I truly enjoy my
stay in SP. It also made a difference to my Poly life apart from studying; it builds up my confidence in oral communication, be a better team player in project commitment, and I was highly motivated to excel after I was trained in a Civil & Structural
Consultants during my Internship Training Programme.
Besides that, Diploma in Civil Engineering & Management also trains us as Engineering technologist, which provides a good opportunity to source for various available jobs such as, Assistant structure/ civil engineer, Assistant project manager, Assistant site engineer, Surveyor, Engineering officer, Resident Technical
Officer, Safety Officer and many more!
In addition, the lecturers conduct the lessons in a well-organized, fun and interesting approach that certainly help the students to have fun learning. They are approachable, sociable and caring and you can treat them as your friends!
Do you want to share your happiness to your parents, your friends and your future family that you have constructed these particular structures in local and parts of the world? Yes? Then come and feel the excitement!