SP's approach to teaching and learning is not confined to any one particular approach or set of methods. It is committed to an eclectic research-based orientation for the design of learning (whether for classroom teaching or online learning).

At present, this comprises two interrelated frameworks - 'The Learning Framework' and 'The Creative Teaching Framework' - that teaching staff can use as they seek to design effective and creative learning experiences for our students.

What's exciting about SP's approach to teaching and learning is the commitment to incorporating established best research on human learning and validated effective practices. Furthermore, it seeks to be proactive in the sense of creatively extending knowledge and producing innovative practices.

Such work is not just confined to the department - all are invited to contribute to practical action research and be at the forefront of what it means to be a highly competent and creative teaching professional.

The ongoing efforts to mentor, guide, encourage and nurture students have seen our lecturers being accorded the President's Award for Teachers (PAT), making SP the institution with the highest number of award recipients since 2017 when educators from polytechnics and ITEs were included in the PAT. The PAT recognises excellent educators for their role in moulding the future of our nation.

Click on the arrow next to the Innovative Teaching Methods menu on the left and select the profiles of our PAT recipients and finalists to find out more about their unique achievements.
