
To inspire learning, foster skills mastery and build community


A dynamic learning hub that enables discovery, connection and creation

  • Discover – Inspire and engage our students to discover their passion, interests and pursue lifelong learning
  • Connect – Enable students and staff to connect within the SP community, and connect with ideas, resources and expertise
  • Create – Provide opportunities to tinker, experiment and create content, concepts and prototypes



FabLab locations


Directions to Library from Dover Road




Library Directory


Location of Library Collections

Location Message Location
Level 4A: Call No L, QA, TK5105 to TK5105.8885.W66, TR
Level 4: Call No. N, TA – TH, Z, Std (Standards)
Level 3A: Call No Q, QB to QR, R to RZ, S to SH, TN, TP, TX
Level 3: Call No. G, H, J, K, P
Level 2A: Call No T, TJ, TK (except 5105 to 5105.8885.W66 at L4A), TL, TS, TT, U, V
Level 1: Call No. A – F, M, Fiction (823 A-Z), Materials Exploration
Information Counter Level 2
Reference Media
Level 1
Periodicals Level 4A: EDU & MAD
Level 4: ABE 
Level 3A: CLS
Level 3: LSC & SB
Level 2A: EEE, MAE, SMA & Makerspace
Level 2: COLOURS
Archive Request at Information Counter



FabLab @ T1442

Located at the Engineering Block of T14, the lab houses most of the 3D printers, PCB milling and soldering stations for your prototyping needs. Currently it is also home to Engineering Academy and Fab Academy students.


FabLab @ T11C

Situated at the heart of Singapore Polytechnic, hence the name Central Fab Lab. It houses larger and more sophisticated equipment like laser cutters, CNC milling and wood working machines. Great for making big ideas and projects!



A fun and neutral ground to inspire the curious learners and tinkerers. Makerspace is located inside SP Library, Level 2A. It houses equipment like laser cutters, 3D printers, vinyl cutters & t-shirt heat pressing machines. Great for hobbyist and curious learners!




Photo Studio at Level 4A

Located at the Photo Studio can be used by students & staff for taking photo in a cyclorama setting for their portfolio or projects. Set-up & equipment: Canon camera EOS750D, tripod, strobe light, LED panels, reflector & PC with Adobe Suite software.

User can book a maximum of 2 hours per day, 14 days in advance.



Recording Studio 1 at Level 4A

Recording Studio 1 can be used by staff for recording asynchronous lectures. Please bring your own notebook.

Set-up & equipment: 1) Logitech HD stream webcam C922, Saramonic transmitter with clip-on microphone & receiver Blink500 Pro, recharge cable; 2) 32-inch monitor; 3) white boards, chart boards, green backdrop  


Recording Studio 2 at Level 4A

Recording Studio 2 can be used by students & staff for video streaming. Set-up & equipment: 12-inch bi-colour LED ring light, 2m x 1.5m green backdrop screen.

User can book a maximum of 2 hours per day, 14 days in advance.

Printing & Photocopy Services

Printing, photocopy and binding services in the Library, Level 1 are provided by Seng City vendor.
Printing Service Opening Hours:
• Term: Mon- Fri: 8.30am - 8.00pm. Sat, Sun and PH: CLOSED.
• Vacation: Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 6.00pm. Sat, Sun and PH: CLOSED.

Photocopy and Binding Services Counter Opening Hours:
• Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 5.30pm

For enquiries, please ask directly at the service counter at Library, Level 1. You can also call their Main Office at 6773 6322 or 6565 1746.

Users are required to comply with The Copyright Act and Regulations of Singapore.