Embark on a self-learning journey with a range of career resources that we have compiled to support you at every stage of your career planning. Explore useful career ready tools curated for current students and recent graduates.

Popular tools that we recommend

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SP Big Interview

SP Big Interview Tool, an online training platform to learn and practise your interview skills. A useful tool for internship, university admission, scholarship, traineeship, or a job, download our guide to access.

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ECG careerresources

Tips for Résumé Writing

Follow our guide to craft a tailored résumé for job or university applications.

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Self-Assessment Tool - MySkillsfuture

Take the RIASEC Profiling Tool to understand your personality, strengths, and work values to help you identify suitable career options.

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Other Tools

Whether you have just started on your career planning or preparing for job applications, these tools will help you navigate your career path early. Explore career options, learn about key industries and emerging trends. Click on each list to find out more.

Job Application Preparation


Profiling Tools

Discover your interests, strengths, skills, and values through Profiling Tools. Our Education and Career Coaches (ECCs) will be able to interpret your profile and guide you to gain career clarity.

MySkillsFuture Portal

MySkillsFuture is a one-stop portal for your education, training and career guidance. Conduct your own career interest profiling and chart your career and learning pathways through easy access to industry information and tools.



Mentoring SG is a national movement that aims to build a culture of mentoring in Singapore and make mentoring more accessible for youth.



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We provide relevant career guidance for SP recent graduates. Find information on how to get started on your career, explore career options and discover skills development options. Click on each list to find out more.

* Our Education and Career Coaches (ECCs) are available to support SP alumni for up to three years upon graduation or ORD date, whichever is later. If you are an SP alumnus seeking support, please email us at ecg@sp.edu.sg to schedule an appointment.

Career Starter

Congrats on graduating! Here are some guides to help you jumpstart your career journey.

Career Upskilling

Explore these training programmes and courses that will broaden and develop your skills. 


