Disciplinary Rules and Regulations

In accordance with Regulation 4 of the Singapore Polytechnic (Students) (Conduct & Discipline) Regulations, the Principal hereby issues the following Disciplinary Rules for the maintenance and enforcement of discipline among students. Violation of any provision of the Code of Conduct may subject students to disciplinary action.

  1. Where a student is reported to have committed a disciplinary offence, the matter would be referred to the SP Disciplinary Investigation Officer where the student would be given an opportunity to exculpate himself. Following the conclusion of investigations, the School/Department may take the measures listed in Table 1.
   Table 1:    Measures/Penalties to be applied by School/Department Disciplinary Committee  
   Offence      Penalty  
 1st offence2nd offence3rd offence
Cheating in attendance*
*Includes aiding and abetting of offence
Warning letterRefer to SP Student Disciplinary CommitteeRefer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee
Inappropriate attire - Attired in clothing with offensive slogans and/or printsWarning letterFine of $50 Refer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee

Smoking* or possession of prohibited tobacco product

* Includes any article that is designed to resemble a tobacco product; this includes vaporisers such as e-cigarettes, e-pipes, e-cigars and the like

Note: Students caught for vaping-related offences will be referred to the Health Sciences Authority for further enforcement action.

Fine of $50 and to attend QuitLine phone counselling
Fine of $100 and to attend QuitLine phone counselling
Refer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee
LitteringFine of $50Fine of $100 Refer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee
Disrespectful behaviour and/or insubordination to officers of SPFine of $50Fine of $100 Refer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee
Disorderly behaviour Fine of $50Fine of $100 Refer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee
Personal Mobility Aid, Personal Mobility Device, Bicycle use Infringements (Refer to the rules here)Warning letterFine of $50Refer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee
Breach of COVID-related measuresWarning letterFine of $50 Refer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee
Any Other Minor MisconductWarning letterFine of $50 Refer to SP Student Disciplinary Committee


  1. A matter will be referred to the Principal for decision to convene an SP Student Disciplinary Committee inquiry under the following circumstances:
    1. As denoted in Table 1
    2. When a Director considers any offence to be sufficiently serious
    3. Where a student is reported to have committed any of the disciplinary offences listed in Table 2.

Following the conclusion of the SP Student Disciplinary Committee inquiry, the Committee may, depending on severity of offence, impose on the student, a fine not exceeding $250, corrective work, suspension or dismissal from the Polytechnic.


Table 2:    Disciplinary Offences to be heard by SP Student Disciplinary Committee  
Consumption of alcohol
Causing damage to Polytechnic property or vandalism
Committing theft of Polytechnic or personal property
Breaking and entering / deliberate unauthorised entry
Forging medical certificate or other official documents
Note: rejection of any application related to the forged documents#
#  Where   the offence is committed in relation to examinations, tests or assessments, this could lead to failing the module(s) or the module  component(s)
Assault and fighting (with or without dangerous weapons)
Possession or taking of illegal drugs
Sexual misconduct (including but not limited to sexual assault, outrage of modesty, voyeuristic acts, persistent unwanted advances)
IT-related offences (including but not limited to infringement of the Computer Misuse Act, defamatory posting, cyber bullying,   hacking)
Bringing disrepute to Singapore Polytechnic
Any other serious misconduct


  1. In the case of a full-time student (below 21 years old), the parents/guardian shall be informed of the student's misconduct.  Whenever necessary, the student concerned shall be counselled by the Director or the Student Counsellor.
  2. Any fines imposed shall be paid to the Singapore Polytechnic within seven days after it is imposed and a copy of the receipt shown to the Disciplinary Investigation Officer as proof of payment.  Failure to pay the fine within the seven days shall be reported to the Principal who may take such action as he thinks fit.
  3. In addition to the penalties stipulated above, Singapore Polytechnic may impose other penalties and measures which may include:
    1. Counselling
    2. Filing a report with the police / other agencies.



For Breach of Exam Rules, please refer to this page.



Appeal Against Suspension


In accordance with Regulation 8 of the Singapore Polytechnic (Students) (Conduct & Discipline) Regulations, a student who has been suspended from the Polytechnic may appeal to the Principal in writing within 14 days stating any ground of appeal.


The Principal may after giving the student a reasonable opportunity of being heard and after considering any report of the Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC), confirm the order of suspension by the SDC, quash it or vary it. In varying the penalty of suspension, the Principal could reduce the penalty or mete out a more severe penalty (such as expulsion, lengthen the period of suspension).


Pending a decision on any appeal, a student who has been suspended by the SDC is to comply with the order of suspension.


Any decision made by the Principal upon appeal is final.


Appeal Against Expulsion


In accordance with Regulation 9 of the Singapore Polytechnic (Students) (Conduct & Discipline) Regulations, a student who has been expelled from the Polytechnic may appeal to the Student Disciplinary Appeal Committee in writing within 14 days stating any ground of appeal.


The Student Disciplinary Appeal Committee may after giving the student a reasonable opportunity of being heard and after considering any report from the Student Disciplinary Committee, confirm, vary or quash the order of expulsion.


Pending a decision on any appeal, a student who has been expelled is to comply with the order of expulsion.


Any decision made by the appeal committee is final.
