1.The offer of admission is conditional upon the candidates:
  Having applied for admission through the proper application procedures
  Having provided the Singapore Polytechnic (SP) with true and accurate information in the Application / Enrolment Forms
  Submitting to SP the required supporting documents by the stipulated deadline as indicated in the Enrolment email.
  Not being a student in any Full-Time or Part-Time course when the semester commences
  Being physically and medically fit to pursue the course
2.Declaration of Undertaking by Student:
 All students enrolled into the Singapore Polytechnic have agreed to the declaration of undertaking in the online enrolment page under Section 8 - Student's Declaration, as shown below:

I affirm that all the facts and / or statements (including declaration of medical / special need conditions and offence history) in this enrolment form are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have not deliberately omitted any relevant fact. Should I be admitted to the Singapore Polytechnic (SP) on the basis of the information given which may turn out to be false or inaccurate, I understand that I will render myself liable to appropriate actions, including civil action, dismissal from course, forfeiture of fees, fine, and other disciplinary actions.


I agree to comply with all prevailing SP rules and regulations (https://www.sp.edu.sg/handbook) which may pertain to my conduct and study for the duration of my enrolment with SP. I am fully aware that failure to comply with such rules and regulations may result in my dismissal.

 2.3I understand that my enrolment is subject to my being declared physically / mentally fit to pursue the course.

Should I decide to withdraw from my course of study after accepting the offer, I will have to make the necessary fee payment and submit the withdrawal form via email (contactus@sp.edu.sg) or One Stop Centre in person (Withdrawal form can be downloaded from https://www.sp.edu.sg/forms).


Male Singaporean and Permanent Residents can be granted deferment from full-time National Service (NS) to pursue full-time studies for higher academic qualifications, up to GCE 'A' Level, polytechnic diploma, or their equivalent pre-university qualification. For Returning Singaporean or Permanent Residents from an overseas course of study, I understand that I have to contact https://www.cmpb.gov.sg > Before NS > Pre-enlistment process > Deferment for Studies on the eligibility for deferment from full-time NS for further studies.  I declare that i meet the above criteria and that i am eligible to pursue a course in 2023/2024 academic session.  if I am not eligible for deferment, I will inform Admissions Office of my status.


I undertake to absolve SP, its servant and / or agents from any claims arising out of any injury, loss or damage caused to myself during the period of any training and activity in the course of my study at SP, regardless of whether such training and activity is conducted by SP and the location of such training and activity.

I further undertake to indemnify SP against all claims which may be made against it by reason or in connection with:

  (i)Any damage to property, whether of a third party, an employee / agent / independent contractor of a third party, or the student.

Any damage, injury, illness, or accident (whether fatal or otherwise) caused to any person, whether a third party, an employee / agent / independent contractor of a third party, or the student, being damage to property, injury, illness, or accident (whether fatal or otherwise) occurring to any person which is caused by the student or is the direct consequence of the provision of the course conducted by SP.


I agree that SP has the legitimate authority to collect and keep my personal data and academic results (obtained either directly or indirectly through other public agencies or educational institutions).   The data may include, but is not limited to, personal particulars, family data, assessment records, special needs and medical information, sound, video or CCTV recordings, etc. 

The data could be used, both during my enrolment with SP and after, for the following purposes:


To facilitate the execution of activities by the Polytechnic in dispensing its duties in administrative matters and to monitor my academic progress.


For statistical compilations and analysis.


For communications such as e-mail, SMS, letters, and surveys.


To ensure the safety and welfare of its staff / students, which will include judicious release of information to staff who are charged with monitoring and caring for students.


For campus security purposes and / or to regulate student discipline or behaviour, including compliance with any applicable rules, laws and regulations, codes of practice or guidelines or to assist in law enforcement and investigations by relevant authorities / law enforcement agencies.


For publication in areas that is customary by educational institutions such as award of prizes.


To enrol me as an alumni of the polytechnic upon graduation.


Any other purposes beneficial to students and graduates.


I have read, understood and consent to the Privacy Statement (as updated from time to time). I understand that my personal and academic data may be shared with other Government agencies, non-Government agencies which have been authorised to carry out specific Government services, or other educational institutions (unless such sharing is prohibited by legislation) so as to serve me in a most efficient way to facilitate the progression of my academic pursuits or for Education and Career Guidance.


I understand and accept that SP has the right to withhold the award or issuance of my diploma and / or certificate, in the event that I do not make full payment of any outstanding school fees, fines or penalties owed by me to SP, or does not fulfil or comply with any other punishment or orders imposed by SP.

3.Acknowledgement by Parent:
 A parent of student under 21 years of age has signed a declaration of undertaking in the enrolment form, as shown below:
 3.1I have no objection to my child/ward being admitted to the course conducted by SP.

I undertake to absolve SP, its servant and / or agents from any claims arising out of any injury, loss or damage caused to my child/ward during the period of any training and activity in the course of his/her study at SP, regardless of whether such training and activity is conducted by SP and the location of such training and activity.

  I further undertake to indemnify SP against all claims which may be made against it by reason or in connection with:

Any damage to property, whether of a third party, an employee / agent / independent contractor of a third party, or the student.

  (ii)Any damage, injury, illness, or accident (whether fatal or otherwise) caused to any person, whether a third party, an employee / agent / independent contractor of a third party, or the student, being damage to property, injury, illness, or accident (whether fatal or otherwise) occurring to any person which is caused by the student or is the direct consequence of the provision of the course conducted by SP.

I have read and understood the declarations made by my child/ward and give my consent to Singapore Polytechnic to collect and keep my child/ward’s personal data and academic results (obtained either directly or indirectly through other public agencies or educational institutions).  The data may include, but is not limited to, personal particulars, family data, assessment records, special needs and medical information, sound, video or CCTV recordings, etc.


The data could be used, both during my child/ward’s enrolment with Singapore Polytechnic and after, for the following purposes:

  (i)To facilitate the execution of activities by the Polytechnic in dispensing its duties in administrative matters and to monitor my child/ward’s academic progress

For statistical compilation and analysis;


For communication such as e-mail, SMS, letters and surveys.


To ensure the safety and welfare of its staff/students, which will include judicious release of information to staff who are charged with monitoring and caring for students.


For campus security purposes and/or to regulate student discipline or behaviour, including compliance with any applicable rules, laws and regulations, codes of practice or guidelines or to assist in law enforcement and investigations by relevant authorities/law enforcement agencies.


For publication in areas that is customary by educational institutions such as award of prizes.


To enrol my child/ward as an alumni of the polytechnic upon graduation.


Any other purposes beneficial to students and graduates.


I have read, understood and consent to the Privacy Statement (as updated from time to time).  I understand that my child/ward’s personal and academic data may be shared with other Government agencies, non-Government agencies which have been authorised to carry out specific Government services, or other educational institutions (unless such sharing is prohibited by legislation) so as to serve my child/ward in a most efficient way to facilitate the progression of his/her academic pursuits or for Education and Career Guidance.


I understand and accept that SP has the right to withhold the award or issuance of my child/ward’s diploma and / or certificate, in the event that my child does not make full payment of any outstanding school fees, fines or penalties owed by my child/ward to SP, or does not fulfil or comply with any other punishment or orders imposed by SP.

4.Medical Report /Colour Vision Test Report (Where applicable, as indicated in the Offer Email)
 Completed form must be received by SP before the commencement of the new academic session.
 Failure to submit your medical report and x-ray result / colour vision test report will result in you being de-registered from the course.
5.National Service
 National Service liable persons are required to apply for deferment from full-time National Service. Those who are 19 years old and above as at 1 January of the year are to seek deferment from Deferment Office, Central Manpower Base before they enrol for the course. They must obtain approval from Deferment Office, Central Manpower Base if they intend to:
 (i)Change the course of study
 (ii)Change the institution
6.Rules and Regulations
 You are strongly advised to familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations in the student handbook that is available in the SP website https://www.sp.edu.sg/handbook . When one is found flouting the rules, ignorance will not be accepted.