1. Attendance is a key factor in student progression and achievement. Regular attendance and academic achievement are closely linked. Students who actively participate in their learning by attending classes regularly are more likely to enjoy a rewarding
experience in which their knowledge, skills and abilities are developed.
2. Students are expected and required to attend all scheduled classes. Students should arrive on time for classes and remain for the duration of the class. Late arrival at, and early departure from, classes is disruptive, discourteous, unprofessional
and unfair to other students and lecturers.
3. If you are affected by a train service disruption/delay, and require an official travel chit as proof for being late for lessons/exams, please do not approach the Service Centre at the Dover MRT station. You may either:
- Obtain an e-travel chit online -, or
- Take a photograph of the signage which Dover MRT will put up on train service disruption/delay.
Note: To successfully obtain an e-Travel Chit, you have to be within the premises of the Dover MRT when you make the request.
4. Please take note of the following:
- (a) With effect from Academic Year 2013/2014, a student will be marked absent if he/she is late by more than 15 minutes (e.g. for a 9 – 11 am lesson, a student who enters the class and submits the attendance code after
9:15 am will be marked absent).
- (b) A warning email will be issued to students whose attendance level falls below 85% for each module.
- (c) Attendance rate computation is as follows:

Note: From AY23/24 Sem 2 (Oct 2023), all asynchronous lectures will be excluded from attendance computation.
- (d) A student is required to attain at least 75% of the aggregated attendance for all non-asynchronous lessons of a module. Students who are unable to attend classes or assessments may apply for Leave of Absence (LOA) via
e-Services, along with the relevant documentary evidence/proof. For more details on LOA application, go to the Section on Leave of Absence (LOA)
at this link.
- (e) A student whose attendance for a module falls below 75% will be:
- allowed to take the semestral examination and be given either a Pass (P) or Fail (F) grade in that module over the course of study; or
- given either a Pass (P) or Fail (F) grade in a continuous assessment module over the course of study.
- (f) Students who anticipate missing one or more classes should alert the module lecturer ahead of time, just as they should contact their lecturer as soon as possible after an absence. Regardless of the reason for the absence, it is the responsibility
of the students to catch up with the lessons they have missed earlier.
- For Wellness For Life (WFL) and Education and Career Guidance (ECG) modules, students will be accorded the grade "Enrolled" if their attendance falls below 75%.