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About FabLab

FabLab SP, established in 2011 through collaboration among SP's engineering and maritime schools, focuses on transforming students into self-directed learners with technical expertise and safety awareness. It emphasizes hands-on training using cutting-edge digital fabrication technology and fosters community and industry connections. FabLab SP is a distributed network of spaces on SP Campus equipped with various tools, fostering multidisciplinary student projects.


Makerspace @ Lib

Singapore Polytechnic Library's Makerspace, established in 2013, transforms the library into a creative hub for students and staff. It offers workshops on various technologies, access to resources like DIY kits and tools, and connects users with maker communities. The space promotes inclusivity, experimentation, and co-creation, welcoming ideas and projects for a vibrant Maker Movement.




Makerspace/ Fab Lab consultancy & Design

10kfablabWe are a one-stop solution for schools or companies who want to set up Makerspaces or Fablabs. We can design, recommend, and set up the space with the best equipment and tools for your needs. We can also train your staff on how to use them effectively and safely.


Whether you want to foster creativity, innovation, collaboration, or learning, we can help you create the ideal environment for your goals. Contact us today and let’s make your space a place of possibilities.





We are a team of experts who can help you solve your challenges with design thinking, fabrication and prototyping. We can work with you to understand your needs, generate ideas, test solutions and create your ideal product. Whether you need a new app, a smart device, a wearable gadget or anything else, we can make it happen. Contact us today and let’s start designing your future.




•B.Sc. Electrical Engineering

•MSc. Eng (UNSW)

•Dip. Fab Academy
•Dip. In EE, Business information System

•A.Dip. In E-Learning Design

•Dip. Fab Academy
•Dip. Computer Engineering

•B.Sc Computer Science (Multimedia & Game Development)

•Dip. Fab Academy
•Dip In Industrial Design

•B.A. In Industrial Design

•Grad.Cert. Additive Manufacturing

•Dip. Fab Academy




•S.Dip. Advance Character Modeling

•B.A Business Admin.

•Dip. Fab Academy
•Dip. Business Admin.

•B.Sc In Mechanical & Production Engineering (NTU)

•Dip. In Electronics & Communications

•Dip. Fab Academy


Prototype Fabrication


We offer prototype fabrication for SMEs & startups using a range of industrial grade 3D printers and laser cutters.

We can turn your sketches, models or CAD files into physical prototypes that you can test, refine and showcase.




We work with various materials, sizes and complexities to suit your needs. Whether you need a simple mock-up, a functional prototype or a small batch production, we can help you achieve your goals.

Contact us here


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Learning Journey

LearningJourneyWe provide Learning Journey for schools who want to learn more about makerspaces and how to run them in their own premises. We will show you the benefits, challenges and best practices of creating and managing a space where students can explore, create and innovate. We will introduce you to the latest tools and technologies that can enhance your learning outcomes. Whether you are new to makerspaces or want to improve your existing one, we can help you make the most of it.

For more inquires, please register your interest here.

Teachers Work Attachment Plus

TWAWe offer a teacher work attachment plus program for secondary school teachers who want to learn new digital fabrication skills and impart them to their students. In two weeks, you can have the opportunity to use the 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines and more. You will learn how to design, prototype and test your own projects. Whether you want to enhance your curriculum, inspire your students or develop your own skills, we can help you achieve your goals. Apply now and join us in this exciting learning journey.

Application For MOE officers, please visit http://intranet.moe.gov.sg/academy/TWA/Pages/TWA.aspx

Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST) will facilitate the application. For non-MOE officers (e.g. teachers from independent schools), please submit your application here: https://form.gov.sg/652379c3bbec81001301a6ae

For more inquires, please contact us.

Curious about other teachers' experience of the programme?: 

Training & Short courses

demo laser cutting2We provide training and short courses, which also include train the trainers option, to enhance your skills on digital fabrication. You can learn how to use various tools and technologies to create your own products, from design to fabrication. You can also become a trainer yourself and teach others how to use digital fabrication effectively and safely. All are welcomed, regardless of your background or skill level. Join us today and become a part of the digital fabrication community.

Find out more here!

ApLM@Poly are Applied Learning Modules (ApLM) in applied areas offered by the polytechnic to upper secondary students. Each ApLM is 21 hours in duration. ApLMs emphasise practice and application, so a large part of the ApLM curriculum is taken up by laboratory work, workshop sessions, projects and presentations.

Find out more here!

Fab Academy



Fab Academy is a 19-week Diploma course conducted by a well-renowned Professor from MIT, Dr Neil Gershenfeld. He is the director of MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms and also the founder of Fab Lab.

Each week online lectures will be conducted on different Digital Fabrication methods which you will then apply on your final project at the end of the 19 weeks.

Fab Lab Singapore Polytechnic will provide you with the necessary equipment and guidance from our local specialist to help you achieve your project.

For more inquires, please contact us.

To find out more on Fab Academy, click here.

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Each lab is well equipped with Digital Fabrication equipment to help you with your fabrication journey

Makerspace_lab T11c T1442_lab
(for Incubation projects)
T11C01 T1442
 Makerspace 3D Printers, SLA Printer, Laser Cutter Machine, Embroidery machine, Heat Press machine and Electronics Workstation.
 T11C01 CNC Machine, Laser Cutter Machines & Flat bed cutter
 T1442 3D Printers, Laser Cutter Machine, Large Format Printer & Electronics Workstation


Project Advisory

Need help and advice on your project or topics on Digital Fabrication? Drop by any of the FabLab in SP to speak to our Fab Lab Staff!

diy flatlay


Stick'em materialised their initial design and received support here, in SP Fablab

Pictures courtesy of



These electives are highly recommended for student who wants to elevate their school assignment or Final Year Projects! Beneficial to students from these diplomas: XPD, DID, DARCH, DCHE, DEEE, DME & DMRO!

For more details, please click here to find out more!



Digital Fabrication & Prototyping Fundamentals (EP1000)
For all students
4 hours / week
This elective focuses on self-directed projects to develop design thinking and prototyping skills, integrating digital fabrication techniques. It takes place in a design studio setting and culminates in a Certificate in Design & Innovation after completing three modules.



Further Digital Fabrication & Prototyping (EP1001)
For all students with a pass in EP1000
4 hours / week
This module expands on digital fabrication and prototyping concepts from EP1000. It focuses on self-directed projects, enhancing skills in mechanical, electronics, and programming technologies within the Fablab. Part of the Certificate in Design & Innovation program, students develop innovative solutions.



Digital Design and Fabrication for Silver Age (EP1002)
For all students
4 hours / week
This elective involves students conducting user studies with seniors and disability communities, applying service-learning principles to derive insights for design concepts. They'll utilize digital fabrication techniques, including computer-aided design, 2D and 3D modeling, and mechanical/electronic design, while also developing fundamental programming skills, to manufacture their designs.



Chindogu Innovation Through Design and Fabrication (EP1003)
For all students
4 hours / week
This module is dedicated to fostering creative thinking, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning skills through the lens of 'Chindogu' (珍道具), a methodology by Japanese inventor Kenji Kawakami. Students engage in design, hacking, and product creation, guided by Chindogu's principles, enhancing prized attributes like creative thinking, problem-solving, and spatial reasoning skills sought-after universally.


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Library & FabLab


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