ECG Purpose

Our certified Education and Career Coaches (ECCs) can help you to assess your strengths and interest, clarify your education and career goals, explore further educational pathways or employment opportunities and assess the necessary skills required for your transition from polytechnic to further education or work.



Career Exploration

What can I acquire from my course to prepare me for the future? Discover interests, skills, values, and motivations.

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Career Planning

What actions can I take now to help prepare for my career? Explore possibilities, skills, and personal goals.


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Career Readiness

How can I prepare for future workplace? Explore and develop relevant skills to be future ready through Career and Education programmes.

Download ECG e-brochure here

ECG ebrochure

ECG Services

We highly recommend you to meet with our Education and Career Coaches (ECCs) early in your SP life so that you can chart out a meaningful action plan, maximize your student life and work towards building a strong foundation for career success. To schedule an appointment with our ECCs, current students can either use the “Book an appointment” button or email us at

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* Our Education and Career Coaches (ECCs) are available to support SP alumni for up to three years upon graduation. If you are an SP alumnus seeking support, please email us at to schedule an appointment.



Career Interest Profiling

Discover your interests, strengths, skills and values through Profiling Tools. Our ECG Counsellors will be able to interpret your profile and guide you to gain career clarity.

Career & Further Education Consultation

Navigate pathways by exploring various options to work towards your future. This session allows you to make a well-informed decision.

Résumé Writing & Critique /
 Interview Preparation

Learn to tailor your own résumé and ace your university and job interviews.

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University Application Guidance /
Personal Statement Review 

Sharpen your personal statement to demonstrate your strengths, interests, and values.
