Module GradeDescriptor on Transcript / Exam Result Slip% Range (Marks)Grade Point*
DIST:Distinction (to be awarded by the Examinations Board)> 804.0
A:Excellent>= 804.0
B+:Very Good75 to < 803.5
B:Good70 to < 753.0
C+:Good Credit65 to < 702.5
C:Credit60 to < 652.0
D+:Good Pass55 to < 601.5
D:Pass50 to < 551.0
D-:Subsidiary Pass45 to < 500.5
P:Non-Graded Pass-0.5
UP:Pass in a Module which has no grade point-N.A.
UF:Fail in a Module which has no grade point-N.A.

: The grade point only applies to new, first year students admitted into the Singapore Polytechnic from the academic year 2004/2005. All other students will not have grade points printed on their examination results slips and academic transcripts.

Grading System (prior to 2004/2005)

DIST:Distinction (Awarded by the Examinations Board)
A:Very Good (80% - 100%)
B:Credit (70% - 79%)
C:Good Pass (60% - 69%)
D:Pass (50% - 59%)
E:Subsidiary Pass (Awarded at the discretion of the Exams Board to only 
one module, provided the marks obtained for that module is not less 
than 40%. The overall average mark must also be 50% or more, and 
the candidate must have passed all the other prescribed modules in the 
same semester exam. This award does not apply to a module which is 
not eligible for the award of an E grade).
P:Pass for a Non-Graded Module


Computation of GPA (with effect from 2004/2005)

  • The GPA (Grade Point Average) is a system which provides an overview of a student's academic performance.
  • The GPA would allow students to keep track of their performance throughout their course of study and allow lecturers to identify their students' academic needs and provide advice and guidance to students.
  • The GPA System takes effect in the academic year 2004/2005 and the regulations apply to all students entering the Singapore Polytechnic that year and in subsequent years.
  • In Singapore Polytechnic, the 4-point scale grading system as shown in the previous section will be used.
  • The GPA is derived using the formula:

    GPA =

    Sum (module credit units X module grade point)

    Sum (module credit units)

  • Two GPA figures will be computed:
    • Semester GPA - sum of (grade point X credit units) / sum of (credit units) for modules examined (including failed modules) in the semester.
    • Cumulative GPA - sum of (grade point X credit units) / sum of (credit units) for all modules examined (including failed modules) up to and including the current semester.
  • Students are not allowed to retake any modules which they have passed.  This applies to all students regardless of whether there was a break in study.  Hence, students who are reinstated/readmitted would not be allowed to retake any module(s) which they have passed except where there was a curriculum change as advised by the School such that the module(s) taken were no longer valid.

Note to students:
Please refer to your online results slip or academic transcript for your Modules' Credit Units.  To access your online results slip, please log on to >> Exam Results.

Excluding Elective Modules from Cumulative GPA 
Computation (with effect from 2024/2025)
From academic year 2024/2025, up to two elective modules can be excluded to improve students’ final Cumulative GPA (cGPA). This applies to all students who complete their course of study in Singapore Polytechnic that year and in subsequent years.  

  • Up to two elective modules taken over a student’s course of study will be automatically excluded from cGPA computation by system in the student’s final phase, provided that such exclusion(s) improves the student’s final cGPA.
  • The improved cGPA will be reflected in the student’s final semester exam results and academic transcript upon completion of the student’s course of study.
  • Excluded elective modules and the corresponding grades will remain listed in exam results and academic transcript.

How To Compute GPA? 

Below is an illustration of how a student’s Semester GPA (sGPA) and Cumulative GPA (cGPA) are computed.

First Semester
Suppose student’s results in his first semester are as follows:

Module CodeModuleModule Credit UnitsModule Grade PointGrade Obtained
EC1220Digital Signal Processing43.5B+
EC1223Logic Design42.0C
EC1264Data Communication & Networking42.5C+
EC1566 Microcontroller Systems43.0B
EC1409Engg Maths IIB44.0A

sGPA =(4x3.5) + (4x2.0) + (4x2.5) + (4x3.0) + (4x4.0)
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4
= 3.00

Hence, at the end of student’s first semester, Semester GPA = 3.00 and Cumulative GPA = 3.00.

Second Semester
Suppose student’s second semester results are as follows:

Module CodeModuleModule Credit UnitsModule Grade PointGrade Obtained
ET0120Digital Circuits1.0 D
ET0121Computer Hardware42.0C
SP0302Innovation, Design & Entreprise in Action2.5C+
ET0124 Electronic Circuits43.0B
MS1125Engg Maths 40.0

sGPA =(5x1.0) + (4x2.0) + (2x2.5) + (4x3.0) + (4x0.0)
5 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4
= 1.58

cGPA =(60) + (30) 
(20) + (19)
 = 2.31

Hence, at the end of student’s second semester, Semester GPA = 1.58 and Cumulative GPA = 2.31.

Third Semester

Suppose student’s third semester results are as follows:

Module CodeModuleModule Credit UnitsModule Grade PointGrade Obtained
ET0130Networks & Protocols4 3.5B+
EC1223Logic Design32.0C
ET0164Communication Electronics42.5C+
MS1125Engg Maths 43.0B+
ST0321Computer Programming34.0A
EP0701Introduction to Entrepreneurship43.5B+

Notice that student is repeating his failed module from his second semester (i.e. MS1125) and reading his first elective module (EP0701) in this semester. 

sGPA =(4x3.5) + (3x2.0) + (4x2.5) + (4x3.0) + (3x4.0) + (4x3.5)
4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 4
= 3.09

cGPA =(60) + (30) + (68) 
(20) + (19) + (22)
 = 2.59

Hence, at the end of student’s third semester, Semester GPA = 3.09 and Cumulative GPA = 2.59.

Final Semester (excluding up to 2 elective modules from cGPA computation)

Suppose that at the end of student’s final semester, he has accumulated total grade points 345 and total credit units 130.

Student has also completed 3 elective modules with the following results: 

  • Third semester:  EP0701, B+  (module credit unit = 4, module grade point = 3.5)
  • Fourth semester:  EM0407, C+  (module credit unit = 4, module grade point = 2.5)
  • Fifth semester:  EP0410, D  (module credit unit = 3, module grade point = 1.0)

System will compute the following possible Cumulative GPAs:

If no elective module is excluded from cGPA computationcGPA=345 
= 2.65
If only EM0407 is excluded from cGPA computationcGPA=345 - (4x2.5) 
130 - 4
= 2.66
If only EP0410 is excluded from cGPA computationcGPA=345 - (3x1.0)
130 - 3
= 2.69
If both EM0407 and EP0410 are excluded from cGPA computationcGPA=345 - (4x2.5) - (3x1.0)
130 - 4 - 3
= 2.70

(Note that excluding EP0701, B+ from student’s cGPA computation will not improve his cGPA.)

The best Cumulative GPA yielded by the system is 2.70 after excluding both EM0407 and EP0410.
Hence, at the end of student’s final semester, Cumulative GPA = 2.70.


  • Under the new credit accumulation modular system, students will take a selected number of modules and accumulate credit units for those modules they have passed.
  • Modules are assessed immediately upon completion of the required academic work at the end of a semester. There will be two semesters in an academic year.
  • Students who are unsuccessful in the semestral examination need only to repeat the failed modules in the next semester. They will not have to repeat all the modules belonging to the previous semester.


A student shall pass all core modules of the course and, where applicable, sufficient elective modules to accumulate the stipulated number of credit units before he is considered for the award of the Diploma.


The duration allowed for a student to complete his course of study is as follows:-

  • Four years for a two-year course of study
  • Six years for a three-year course of study
  • Eight years for a four-year course of study
  • Ten years for a five-year course of study


A student who is admitted directly into the second year of a three-year course will be deemed to be doing a two-year course of study. This applies to all students who do not start from the first year of the course.


A student must pass all the core modules and options modules in a stage before he is promoted to the next stage of the course. The overall assessment of a module is based on any one or more of the following:-

  • Semestral Examination
  • 100% in-course Assessment
  • Continual Assessment

To obtain a clear pass in a module, a student must score 50% or more in the overall assessment of that module.


i) Students who fail any core module or option module of a stage shall be retained in that stage. They need not, however, repeat the modules they have passed. If a student fails an elective module, he will be allowed to substitute that failed module with another appropriate elective module.

ii) While repeating a stage, students may be allowed to take new modules of the next stage, together with the repeat modules. This is subject to the approval of the respective academic Director and on the condition that the total credit units do not exceed the prescribed number for that stage, and  if such classes can be scheduled.

iii) Notwithstanding (ii) above, a student who has to repeat only one module may, upon the approval by the academic Director, be allowed to take that repeat module together with all the new modules in the next stage, provided such classes can be scheduled. This is a privilege granted to the student, and not a right, based solely on the assessment of the student's ability to cope with the additional module.


  • Any student who is unable to complete his course of study within the period of the course duration allowed, shall be removed from the course.
  • Any student who repeats any of the core, option or elective modules and fails, shall be removed from the course.
  • Any student who obtains a semestral average below 35% at one sitting shall be removed from the course.
  • Any student who is absent from the Semestral Examination without valid reason shall be removed from the course.


For students in Special Pathway Programme/Collaboration Programme with NUS, SUTD.

Grade Mapping

* “F” grade by NUS/SUTD can be mapped to a F, D-, D or D+ grade in SP, based on the student’s performance and/or attendance to be provided by NUS/SUTD as well as student’s presentation, interview and reflective practice to be conducted and graded by SP. 

