Students (Full-time, Part-time & Post-diploma)

Students will become library members once they are issued their student cards from the Admissions Office. This card must be produced when using Library facilities and services. Newly enrolled students may begin borrowing once they receive their cards.

Click HERE for a quick orientation on your membership benefits and info about SP Library.


You can borrow / reserve up to: 30 items
Loan privileges for Students

You can login to access e-resources (e-books, e-journals, databases, video tutorials), past year exam papers and student projects on and off-campus using your SPICE account.


You can submit the following requests:

Room Booking
Get Help for Your Project
Recommend Titles
Select Titles for the Library
Pickup Service: 30 items (max.)
**Students include those enrolled in SP full-time/part-time/post-diploma courses.

Short-Course Participants

Participants enrolled in Certificate of Competency (CoC) courses conducted by SMA will become library members once they obtain their student cards from the SMA Office. This card must be produced when using Library facilities and services. Newly enrolled students may begin borrowing once they receive their cards.  Membership expires 2 weeks before the completion of the course.


You can borrow / reserve up to: 30 items

Loan privileges for Short-Course (SMA CoC) Participants

You can login to access e-resources (e-books, e-journals, databases, video tutorials) on and off-campus using your SPICE account.


You can submit the following requests:

  • Room Booking
  • Pickup Service: 30 items (max.)

Participants enrolled in short courses and online courses offered by PACE Academy are allowed to use Library facilities but do not have borrowing or e-resource access privileges.  Interested participants may apply for Personal Membership.


New full-time & part-time staff are automatically registered as library members. For part-time academic staff, library membership is only valid for the duration of the teaching contract.

For in-sourced staff, you are not automatically registered as library members. Please approach your Reporting Officer (RO) and get him/her to endorse your application for library membership with details. RO takes all responsibility in event where staff leaves SP and he/she owes the library fines or has not returned the library materials.


You can borrow / reserve up to: 60 items

Loan privileges for Staff

You can login to access e-resources (e-books, e-journals, databases, video tutorials), past year exam papers and student projects on and off-campus using your SPICE account.


You can submit the following requests:

  • Room Booking
  • Get Help for Your Project
  • Select Titles for Library Purchase
  • Recommend Titles
  • Select Titles for the Library
  • Borrow a Book from Another Library (For Full-Time Academic & Senior Admin staff only)
  • Request for an Article (For Full-Time Academic & Senior Admin staff only)
  • Library Instruction (For Full-Time Academic & Senior Admin staff only)
  • Pickup Service: 60 items (max.)

**For PACE adjunct lecturers, you can login to access e-resources using your iChat account. Borrowing of physical items is excluded. Click HERE for a quick introduction to library’s e-resources.

SP Alumni

Alumni membership is open to graduates of SP full-time/part-time/advanced/specialist diploma programmes.

  • Subscription fee
    • The annual subscription fee is $43.60 (includes 9% GST).
  • Application for new / renewal membership
    • Please submit the online Application Form. The Library reserves the right to grant or refuse membership. Applicants will be informed by email within 3 working days if the application is approved.
  • Renewal of membership
    • Notification of membership renewal will be sent 1 month before the expiry date to members.
  • Registration & Payment
    • Payment is to be done personally at the Library.
    • Please bring along your SP Alumni card for verification.
    • Subscription fee can be paid by NETS or credit/debit card (Visa & Mastercard) at the Library Information Counter.


    You can borrow / reserve up to: 20 items
    Loan privileges for SP Graduates

    Access to e-resources is NOT available due to licensing agreements with service providers and IT security restrictions. Access to the SP campus Wi-Fi network is also NOT available.

    All multimedia materials borrowed are strictly for private home viewing only. Duplication, circulation, editing, broadcasting and rental are not allowed.


    You can submit the following request:

    • Recommend Titles
    • You can print either from designated PCs in the library, or plug your thumb drive in the printing PC workstation provided by the vendor.
    • Pickup Service: 20 items (max.)

    Terms and Conditions

    • All multimedia materials borrowed are strictly for private home viewing only. Duplication, circulation, editing, broadcasting and rental are not allowed.
    • Graduate members do not have access to e-resources provided by the Library.
    • Graduate members do not have access to the SP campus Wi-Fi network.
    • The Library reserves the right to grant or refuse library membership, as well as to review and make changes to loan privileges and services when necessary.

    Corporate Members

    Industrial and commercial firms, professional organisations, government departments and statutory boards may apply for corporate library membership. Each organisation or department may nominate its employees to register and join the Library. The membership card is transferable among employees within the organisation. Members need to produce their company name/staff cards or letter of authorisation when borrowing library materials with the membership card.

    • Subscription fee
      • The annual subscription fee is $218 (includes 9% GST).
    • Application for new membership
      • Please submit the online Application Form and and upload a letter of authorization from your Company/Organization. The Library Director reserves the right to grant or refuse membership. Applicants will be informed by email within 3 working days if the application is approved.
    • Renewal of membership
      • Notification of membership renewal will be sent 1 month before the expiry date to members.
    • Registration & Payment
      • Payment is to be done personally at the Library.
      • Please bring along your membership card (for renewals) and staff card for verification.
      • Subscription fee can be paid by NETS or credit/debit card (Visa & Mastercard) at the Library Information Counter.


      You can borrow / reserve up to: 20 items
      Loan privileges for Corporate Members

      Access to e-resources is NOT available owing to licensing agreements with service providers. Access to the SP campus Wi-Fi network is also NOT available.


      You can submit the following request:

      • Recommend Titles
      • You can print either from designated PCs in the library, or plug your thumb drive in the printing PC workstation provided by the vendor.
      • Pickup Service: 20 items (max.)

      Terms and Conditions

      • Corporate members do not have access to e-resources provided by the Library.
      • Corporate members do not have access to the SP campus Wi-Fi network.
      • The Library reserves the right to grant or refuse library membership, as well as to review and make changes to loan privileges and services when necessary.  

      Inter-Library Loan Members

      Interlibrary loan is available to libraries in Singapore, which are issued an interlibrary loan membership card. Members must produce their membership cards when borrowing books from SP Library.

      Please email to make an interlibrary loan request and renew items borrowed from Singapore Polytechnic Library.


      You can borrow up to: 6 items
      You can reserve up to: 15 items
      Loan privileges for Inter-Library Loan Members

      Access to e-resources is NOT available owing to licensing agreements with service providers. Access to the SP campus Wi-Fi network is also NOT available.

      SIT@SP Students & Staff

      SIT@SP students and teaching staff will become library members once they are issued their cards from SIT. This card must be produced when using Library facilities and services.

      Click HERE for a quick orientation on your membership benefits and info about SP Library.


      SIT-SP staff can borrow / reserve up to: 60 items
      SIT-SP students can borrow / reserve up to: 30 items
      Loan privileges for SIT@SP Teaching Staff
      Loan privileges for SIT@SP Students

      Access to e-resources is NOT available due to licensing agreements with service providers and IT technical restrictions.


      You can submit the following requests:

      • Room Booking
      • Get Help for Your Project
      • Pickup Service: SIT-SP staff - 60 items (max.), SIT-SP students - 30 items (max.)
      SP Sustainability Matters