General Rules

The Library is open only to SP students, staff and library members. Visitors should report at the counter. Library reserves the right to check the identification of members on the library’s premises. Non-members will be requested to leave the library.

Library users are expected to comply with library etiquette and policies on the usage of library resources, services and facilities. Please do not leave your valuable items unattended as the library will not be held responsible for their loss. Library reserves the right to remove any unattended belongings.

Please co-operate with the library staff and security guard when required.

  1. Show your identification card to library staff and security guard upon request.
  2. When the Security Gate alarm triggers, go back to the Loans Counter and show your library materials, bags and files to library staff for inspection.
  3. Respond to emergency and other situations to leave the building or vacate any area of the library when instructed by library staff and security guard.
  4. Seek permission from the Librarian if you wish to photograph or video-record any area of the library in connection with your coursework.



The following violations are liable for disciplinary action which may include eviction from library premises, suspension from using the library, being reported to Director of School and Disciplinary Committee. 

  1. Removing materials out of the library without borrowing them out properly. Any unborrowed item taken beyond the Security Gate is considered stolen.
  2. Mutilating library materials and vandalising library property.
  3. Abusive, disruptive, rude or unreasonable behaviour causing disturbance to others.

Library Etiquette

We are committed to offer the best service possible to library members in a pleasant and conducive learning environment. As the library is a communal learning space for individual study and collaborative learning, it is important for users to be responsible and considerate towards one another at all times. Please practice good library etiquette in the spirit of the SP Core Values, so as to contribute to a positive library experience for all. Everyone can help by following these simple rules:

  1. Be considerate and maintain a quiet environment at all times.
  2. Return library items and settle fines and other charges promptly.
  3. Return all browsed materials to the trolley on each floor.
  4. Handle library materials and property with care.
  5. Switch your mobile devices to silent mode.
  6. Food and drinks are not allowed, with the exception of covered drinks and dry snacks.
  7. Keep the library litter-free at all times.
  8. Avoid sitting between the shelves so as not to obstruct other users from accessing the books or magazines.
  9. Refrain from reserving seats or leaving personal belongings/valuables unattended.

Loan Rules

  1. Members must show their membership cards when borrowing or renewing books.
  2. Membership cards are not transferable. The use of the card is restricted to the user to whom the card is issued.
  3. The loss of membership cards must be reported to the Library immediately. The replacement fee for Library issued cards is $2 + GST (only applicable for graduate/external members). For the replacement of staff or student card, please report to issuing department in SP.
  4. Members are responsible for the items which are borrowed out in their name. The loss of a library item must be reported immediately. Members have to pay the cost of replacing the item and an administrative surcharge of $10 per book (non-refundable). Should the billed items be returned after payment has been made, no refund will be given. However, the item would be returned to the library user who had paid for the replacement bill.
  5. Items must be returned or renewed when due. Items for renewal can be renewed online or brought in personally to the Library loans counter. Overdue and reserved books may not be renewed.
  6. Items must be returned when recalled by the Library. Recall fines are charged for overdue items.
  7. Members who fail to respond to the 5th reminder for overdue books will be billed for the replacement cost including the administrative surcharge. If the overdue books are returned after a bill is sent out, members will be charged the total overdue fines.
  8. Items for return may be returned through the Smart Return machine or deposited into the Book Drop outside the Library. The Library accepts no claims for any books returned via the machine or the book drop.
  9. Members must report any mutilation found in books before borrowing, otherwise they are liable to pay for damages when the books are returned.
  10. All multimedia materials borrowed are strictly for private viewing or for instructional purpose within the Singapore Polytechnic. Duplication, circulation, editing and rental are prohibited.
  11. Graduating students must return all library materials and settle any outstanding library charges at the end of the final term when notified by the Library.
  12. Members must ensure that their contact information shown in My Library Account page are up-to-date. If any changes, please e-mail to to notify the Library.

Usage of PC & Media Facilities

Members must not abuse their privileges when using these facilities. Disciplinary action will be taken against those breaking the rules.

  1. Users of PCs in the Library must abide by the Security Policies Governing the Use of Computer Resources in Singapore Polytechnic.
  2. Viewing of DVDs/Blu-rays on-campus is strictly for educational purposes. Viewing for recreation is not permitted.
  3. Equipment and materials used must be handled with care.
  4. For DVDs/Blu-rays which users have borrowed, they can only view them at home.

Please note, in addition, that the following are not allowed:

  1. Accessing of undesirable Internet sites and downloading, printing and circulating of undesirable materials.
  2. Unauthorised use of passwords. Computer accounts and passwords must be kept strictly confidential.
  3. Installing and running computer software which is not owned by the Library or Singapore Polytechnic.
  4. Changing the PC system setup.
  5. Duplicating any software or media programme. This infringes copyright regulations and offenders will be liable for legal action.
  6. Using media facilities to watch/play TV and media programmes that are not owned by the Library.

Photocopying & Copying of Works

Users are required to comply with The Copyright Act and Regulations of Singapore when using Library materials. Section 35 of the Copyright Act on Fair Dealing for the Purpose of Research or Private Study states that if an article in a periodical publication is to be copied for this purpose, up to the whole article may be copied.However, if a book is to be copied for this purpose, then only a reasonable portion may be copied – Section 35 (3).The expression “reasonable portion” is used only in relation to literary, dramatic and musical works contained in 10 or more pages in a published edition.The limitations to copying are:

  1. Not more than 10% of the work

  2. If the work is divided into chapters, more than 10% of the work but not exceeding one chapter.

  3. Where a literary, dramatic or musical work is contained in a published edition stored on any medium by electronic means and is not divided into pages, a reasonable portion of it would not exceed 10% of the total number of bytes in that edition, or if chaptered, one chapter – Section 7 (2A) [amended 8/3/2000].

Please also read the Copyright and Plagiarism information provided in the Student Handbook.


Fines for Overdue Items

Fines were introduced to encourage library users to return library materials promptly so as to ensure improved access and circulation of library materials. No fines will be imposed if the Library items are returned or renewed by the due date.

  • All borrowers will receive an email reminder

  • The 1st overdue email reminder will be issued on the day after the due date.

Please note that it is the responsibility of all library members to return/renew materials on time. Non-receipt of email reminders is not an acceptable reason for late returns/renewals.

How to Check Your Fines

You can check whether you have any outstanding fines by logging into your library account.

Payment of Fines

For SP staff and students, you can pay at any AXS station, via AXS mobile app or e-AXS. AXS payment will only be reflected in your Library Account the next working day. AXS Service is not available to SIT@SP members & External members (SP Alumni, Corporate, Personal, Retiree and Tertiary members) as well as SP staff with the new workday ID.

All members can make payment of fines via NETS or NETS QR (e.g. NETSPay, DBS Paylah! or other banking App QR code scanner) at the Library Counter during Library opening hours. Credit/debit card (VISA & Mastercard) is also accepted for amounts above $5.

Final year students are required to settle your outstanding dues before the last day of your final exams. Graduating students with outstanding dues may expect a delay in receiving their diploma certificate.

Fine Rates

Different fine rates apply for different category of library materials. Please refer to the Membership page for information on fine rates. Please note that overdue fines are applicable for all library open days including vacation period.

Suspension of Borrowing Privileges

Your borrowing privileges will be suspended when you have an overdue library item, or when your total outstanding fines is $5 or greater. In such cases, please return the library item or settle the fines as soon as possible to resume your borrowing privileges.

Appeal on the Imposition of Fines

All users are given advance notice to return or renew library items on time. In compliance with financial audit requirements, waiving of overdue fines is permitted only for unforeseen circumstances (e.g., hospitalisation leave, compassionate leave) which made it impossible or difficult to return or renew the library items on time. For appeals, please email Appeals will be dealt with on a case to case basis.


In general, payments made are not refundable.

For a billed item, should it be returned after payment has been made, no refund will be given. However, the paid item would be returned to the library user who had paid for the replacement bill.

For further enquiries, please email

Overdue Reminders

Library sends overdue reminders through email. It is the members’ responsibility to ensure their email address supplied is valid and accessible. Students who have email address ending with are required to access your mailbox at least once in 180 days to prevent automatic deactivation of your email account.

Please note that it is the responsibility of all library members to return/renew materials on time. Non-receipt of email reminders is not an acceptable reason for late returns/renewals.

Please do ensure that your email address shown in My Library Account page is correct. For external members (non-SP staff/student), please e-mail us at if you have changes to your email contact.

Item Due Soon Reminder

You will receive an email 3 days and 1 day before the due date of your loans.

You are advised to return the items or renew the item online before the due date. Renewal is not allowed if the item is reserved by another user or if it is a non-renewable item. Please refer to the Membership page for details.

Overdue Reminders

Overdue email reminders will also be sent to you when the items are overdue. The email reminders will be sent to you as follows:

Overdue ReminderSchedule
#11 day after the due date
#27 days after the due date (1 week)
#314 days after the due date (2 weeks)
#428 days after the due date (4 weeks)
#5 (Replacement Bill)

35 days after the due date (5 weeks)

If the items have not been returned after 4 reminders, you will be billed for the replacement cost. The bill would include the item cost, a billing fee of $10 and GST.

If the items are returned subsequently, you will be charged the total overdue fines.

Should the billed items be returned after payment has been made, no refund will be given. We would return the item(s) to the user who had paid for the replacement bill.

Please refer to the Membership page for information on fine rates.

For further enquiries, please email
