Lee Guan Yin Lucas
Diploma in Civil Engineering with Business
Class of 2017
Awarded Singapore Contractors Association Silver Medal
DCEB, Singapore Polytechnic, School of ABE
Three years ago, I joined the Diploma in Civil Engineering with Business (DCEB) course without an inkling about civil engineering. My goal in secondary school was to study Psychology at a polytechnic. But now, 3 years later, I do not regret my choice of taking up civil engineering.
Civil Engineering made me more aware of my environment and not take things around me for granted, especially the infrastructures and facilities. For example, the houses that we stay in, are easily taken for granted as a lot of people do not realise the amount of planning and labour required to construct them. This breaks the stereotype that the construction industry is for those who are not academically inclined.
The modules taught throughout the 3 years are highly applicable in the industry. This was evident to me when I went for my Enhanced Internship Programme at Jurong Town Corporation. I was able to see how the engineering concept of Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) is implemented in real-life projects. I was able to use my knowledge of Geomatics in land reclamation and also software such as Revit and AutoCAD which I had learnt in the module CAD with BIM.
I am thankful for the classroom environment provided in DCEB as it helped me to understand the lessons better and allowed more interaction between lecturers and students. As a result, I not only got to bond with my classmates, but also forge friendship with my lecturers. The conducive learning environment and approachable lecturers helped me attain the academic achievements I have.
Life in SP is not only about study. I am grateful for the opportunity to join the ABE Club in Year 1 and as the Club’s Treasurer in Year 2. Organising events and camps for the students of ABE, helped me to broaden my network and make friends from other courses. The valuable experiences from the various activities and camps brought more colour into my 3 years’ journey with SP.
Thank you SP!