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Leong Khee Shuen

Diploma in Civil Engineering with Business
Class of 2020
Singapore Concrete Institute Gold Medal

My time in SP was filled with new experiences, challenges and activities that I never anticipated before arriving. Firstly of course, academically. Through the lectures and practical sessions I learnt much about the Civil Engineering discipline. I learned building design and analysis using the CAD software, the mechanical properties of civil engineering materials, fluid and soil mechanics in practical applications, analysing effects of loading, and producing large-scale plans of engineering drawings. All of this was extremely heavy for a novice like me and the lecturers at SP were very supportive and encouraging, frequently helping to answer my questions and clarify my doubts.

Next, CCAs. SP has such a large number of different CCAs that any student will be spoilt for choice. I certainly took full advantage of this and participated in multiple CCAs to enrich my experience here. I planned and conducted events for the elderly as a member of the SP Leo Club, learnt to play “Go” and even participated in a few competitions at the SP Mind Sports Club, and learnt about Buddhism through the various dharma talks conducted by the advisor monks at SP Buddhist Society.

Finally, overseas experiences. I was given the opportunity to visit villages and made new friends in Jakarta, Indonesia, during the LEX programme where we helped improve the bamboo cutting process of the locals. Overall, my time in SP was fulfilling and I am grateful that I was able to learn many skills that I would otherwise not have had the opportunity to.

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