Michele Lee Jia Qi
Diploma in Civil Engineering with Business
Class of 2018
Singapore Concrete Institute Gold Medal
Diploma Plus in Quantity Surveying Book Prize by Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV)
I have never heard of civil engineering back in my secondary school years, I found out about it when flipping through the Available Courses Section in Singapore Polytechnic (SP) Booklet. After watching a video - ‘’What Do Civil Engineers Do?’’ by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) on Youtube, I was completely hooked.
My decision was made... my first choice in the JAE application was to study Civil Engineering with Business in SP as SP offers the most direct path in Civil Engineering while other routes could not offer the same.
In SP, I met many wonderful people whom I have learnt so much from. The caring lecturers and technical support officers who shared their knowledge and guidance; my friends whom I’ve been together through thick and thin. They have become a part of who I am today.
SP has given me a myriad of opportunities, making my life in poly a very fruitful, fun and thrilling experience. In these three years, I had the chance to become a Project Coordinator in SP Ambassadors, Integration Ambassador, NYAA Skills Department Ambassador, and Certified First Aider. I even ran for presidency in the SP Ambassadors Presidential Election.
I was delighted to participate in competitions such as BIM Shoot-out 2016 where I got Silver and the International BIM Competition 2017 which my team won merit prize. I was challenged to push my boundaries beyond not only academically but holistically during my SP years.
Moving on to the next chapter of future studies and career, equipped with the hunger for knowledge and desire for solutions, I am determined to remain as a Civil Engineer to create a positive impact on the living environment at large. Thank you SP for the wonderful journey that I would always remember.