Graduates Content 2019_DCE William


Diploma in Civil Engineering with Business
Class of 2019
Singapore Concrete Institute Gold Medal

Coming to Singapore in 2013 was an instant and major culture shock for me. Severely handicapped by my inadequate English language skills, I found myself frequently at the bottom of the class. Having been used to performing well in my home country, I questioned whether coming to Singapore in the first place was the right decision. Eventually, through the dedication and support from my family, teachers and friends, I managed to acclimatize to the culture and life here and began to find success in my education.

As a contractor, my father and has exposed me to construction sites since I was a teenager. From these visits, I developed a deep curiosity behind the science of buildings. After my O-levels, I decided to pursue a career in Civil Engineering and found out that SP was the only polytechnic in Singapore that offered Civil Engineering as a course. I therefore put SP as my first choice in JAE 2016 and I certainly did not regret it.

Looking back at my time in SP, I am astounded at the level of growth I experienced. Previously, I had always been a passive student, focused only on doing well academically. Under the influence and guidance of my ABE lecturers, I began to communicate and participate more, frequently sharing my views and what I have learnt in class with others, including my peers. I realized that doing this allowed me to learn and understand more. Furthermore, as an international student, I was nonetheless given an equal chance to participate in competitions representing our school including SJWP 2018 and IDEERS Taiwan.

My journey in SP throughout these 3 years have been very fruitful and I would say that I have always overestimated how many projects I could finish in a day and underestimated how much learnings, experiences and friendship I attained in these 3 years.

SP Sustainability Matters