Chong Sui Jeen 

Diploma in Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management

Awarded Ascendas-Singbridge Gold Medal

Class of 2017

DHLFM, Singapore Polytechnic, School of ABE


Staying in Malaysia, the journey to SP usually takes 2 hours or more. Despite the long distance to school, I still chose to enroll into Singapore Polytechnic’s Diploma in Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management, given its prestigious reputation as the first Polytechnic in Singapore.

Finances were tough at home and with the opportunity to be able to study in Singapore Polytechnic, I set my mind to study well to make my parents proud.

My DHLFM course have taught me how to apply knowledge gained in school to real life situations. One example will be my 6-month internship with CapitaLand Limited where I was stationed at a residential site calling and communicating with residents. The role have taught me how to solve problems and mitigate difficult situations. I liked that I learnt how to better manage customer service and I have also gained a lot of soft skills such as empathy.

Moving forward, I hope to gain a stable job possibly in the hotel industry as my father will be nearing retirement. I am also considering taking up Nanyang Technological University’s scholarship offer to read Sociology.
