Graduates Content 2019_DFM Vanesse Nam

Nam Shi Hui Vanesse

Diploma in Hotel and Leisure Facilities Management
Class of 2019
Ascendas-Singbridge Gold Medal

I enrolled into the Diploma in Hotel and Leisure Facilities Management (DHLFM) in 2016. It was when I was in Secondary 3, that I started to develop an interest towards working in the hotel industry especially in the F&B department - as I often find myself being fascinated by food and by the F&B services in hotel restaurants.

As an introverted person, to muster up the courage and confidence to talk and present in front of the class was not an easy job for me. The numerous projects, practical lessons and internship in DHLFM, had given me the opportunities to improve on my communication and presentation skills and most importantly, helped me step out of my comfort zone and be more confident in communicating.

Under the tutorship of my caring and passionate lecturers, I have come to realise the value of “Learning beyond the four walls of classrooms”. It was through my lecturers, that I gradually developed a deep sense of curiosity to what was taught in class and began to explore on my own to resolve any unanswered questions or confusion that I had in mind. This had benefitted me greatly in terms of being a more independent learner and understanding the concepts better.

The Diploma in Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management not only provides students with the technical knowledge but also teaches students to think critically to apply such knowledge in adapted real-life case scenarios during group projects.

Looking back, I did not regret making the decision of getting enrolled into DHLFM as my journey educational journey was fruitful with plenty of technical knowledge and exposure gained from both the hotel operations and facilities management sectors and soft skills that I am sure would be essential to me in the next milestone of my life.

I could not have come thus far without the constant support and help from my lecturers and peers. I thank all the lecturers, staff and friends who have made my SP journey a fun, exciting and enriching one.
