DEEE 3rd year students, Fang Qian, Chen Zihan and Nashita Fatima, won the Grand Prize in the online Global Final of the Huawei ICT Competition (Innovation track) held on 14 November for their entry entitled, “Forever-Smart glasses.”
The project was designed using the NB-IoT technology and intended for people with Alzheimer. The project’s innovative and practical design also won them the TECH4ALL Social Contribution Award. The second prize in the Innovation track
was won by EEE’s second team, comprising DCPE 2nd year students, Cheong Wai Khin, Khor Kah Seng and Tan Xing Ying, for their project, “Intelligent WildFire Mitigation System.”
The teams submitted their project documents and demo videos on 31 Oct 2020 and presented to judges online on 8 Nov 2020. The Innovation track evaluates students' capabilities in terms of innovation, cooperation, and development by using cutting-edge technologies
such as IoT, big data, and AI. The EEE teams were among the total of 109 teams (327 students) from 39 countries and regions which successfully made it to the Global Final. The teams’ facilitators were Zhu Bochun, Tan Hai Su and Tan Kwee Teck.