DCPE Students won 2nd Prize at Airbus-SSTA Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Competition, 30 Jan 2019

“Team SudoX” comprising three DCPE students, Nikhil Raghavendra (yr-3), Bryan Tee Pak Hong (yr-2) and Lim En Hui James (yr-2), won second prize at the Airbus-SSTA Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Competition on 30 Jan 2019. They pitched their prototype “HOPE” and “Compass” to a panel of esteem judges from Airbus, RSIS, SAF, SCDF, and SSTA.  The SP winning team was given a spot in the Global Space and Technology Convention (GSTC) held at St. Regis from 14- to 15 February 2019 to pitch their winning solution to industry members, and Minister Indranee Rajah.

Team SudoX pitching at Airbus-SSTA HADR Competition

SP Sustainability Matters