"My time in SP has been a holistic one. I was given plenty of opportunities to learn to work as a group through various projects. This aided me in learning effective communication skills to work smoothly in a team. The Pilot Plants in SP were good for practical learning as these facilities showed me how to apply the knowledge learnt in lectures and classes to more real life situations. I also had the chance to take my internship in the University of Queensland which was an eye-opener to the field of research work abroad. CPTC provided me with insight to working in a real life plant and FYP taught me about troubleshooting waste management issues. These fruitful experiences showed me a broader perspective to the Chemical Engineering Industry to make me an engineer who is work ready, life ready and world ready."
Su Yu Ping
Chemical Engineering Course Gold Medallist 2014
Shell Singapore Gold Medal recipient
The Institution of Engineers Gold Medal Award winner
Institution of Chemical Engineers Award winner
Singapore Chemical Industry Council Award winner
The Diploma-Plus Book Prize winner