How To Develop Sugar-Free Or Low-In-Sugar Bakery & Spread Products
May 20, 2022

The functions of sugar play several important roles in spreads and bakery products, such as contributing to texture and mouthfeel, flavour balancing, product volume and colour, shelf-life preservation and not forgetting sweetness, a key factor to delicious foods. However, high sugar intake has adverse effects on our health in which it increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. On the heels of Singapore’s War on Diabetes with the increasing consumer opting for healthier lifestyle, many are now pivoting towards lower in sugar or sugar free products. However, it is a challenge to reduce and/or replace sugar in spreads and bakery products without affecting its quality, further complicated by the need to meet regulatory requirements in order to attain nutrition claims. If this resonates well with you and you are looking for help to develop healthier-version products, e.g. kaya, date syrup, cookies, kueh salat & lapis, ondeh-ondeh and mooncakes, with the aim for “Sugar Free” or “Lower in Sugar” claim, come and talk to us at Food Innovation & Resource Centre (FIRC) to explore opportunities to open new market !
Here are some ideas of Sugar Free or Lower in Sugar products to spur your journey to innovation and discovery: