Industry Engagement & Demo Day By Singapore Data Science Consortium, March 2019
March 27, 2019
DSAC participated in the Industry Engagement and Demo Day organised by Singapore Data Science Consortium (SDSC) on the 1st March 2019 at Matrix@Biopolis.
DSAC was given the opportunity to showcase a recent project collaboration with a local enterprise, Univac, to help in their industry 4.0 (i4.0) efforts. The project deployed a real-time dashboard for Univac’s engineers to be able to visualise their process data and conduct statistical process control (SPC). This helps them to make better informed decisions on how they can improve quality.
An exhibition booth was setup to display a poster which details the project, and a replica of the dashboard deployed at Univac for participants to interact with.
The event also served as a platform for DSAC to network with other data science practitioners and engineers from other organisations that are also conducting their own i4.0 transformation. The showcase and demo was attended by DSAC consultants Joshua Leong and Jeremy Eu.