Jazzing up the traditional you tiao
June 09, 2023
The article from The Business Times dated 1st June 2023 mentioning of You Tiao Man, a Singaporean food manufacturer that has successfully modernised the traditional you tiao fritter to meet changing consumer demands. The company, which started as a supplier to F&B outlets, expanded its reach to supermarkets and overseas markets during the pandemic. To improve the fritter and transform it into a frozen manufactured product, You Tiao Man collaborated with the Food Innovation and Resource Centre (FIRC), a joint initiative between Singapore Polytechnic and Enterprise Singapore. This partnership resulted in high-quality, innovative variations of the product. You Tiao Man's success includes entering supermarkets, exporting to Malaysia, collaborating with Cathay Cineplexes, and planning to launch new products at a food festival. The company aims to meet the international demand for well-executed traditional food, especially among Chinese and Asian people.

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Source: The Business Times © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.