3B87_SanHe_Automotive_Portal_Poster - Lei Yuhe-s

SanHe Automotive Portal


SanHe Automotive Portal is a dynamic website dedicated for vehicle owners and fleet managers who are seeking for vehicle servicing and fleet maintenance.

The objective of this client project is to develop a web portal to facilitate SanHe Automotive's appointment booking and products ordering catalogue so as to make SanHe connected with its customers in the online platform. Some notable features to point out on this project are online appointment booking, WhatsApp live chat, product checkout and a dashboard for admin. For the development, WordPress is used as the framework with modification using JavaScript and php while phpMyAdmin is used as the database. A payment API is integrated into the website which is HitPay. Besides these, some plugins used in the website include WooCommerce, Bookly and Elementor.

The team hopes that SanHe Automotive Portal can help SanHe obtain a nice appearance online and make SanHe connected with its potential customers.