3B87-Pivot Poster

Insurance Made Simple

The scope of the project is to continue with Phase 2 of the Pivot Mobile game for FWD Insurance. The problem statement that we are tackling is "The Asian economy is experiencing unprecedented growth. However, insurance remains fuzzy and unclear to most people. Can FWD change the way customers feel about Insurance?"

The objective of this project is to develop a mobile app game to encourage and empower customers to find out their own insurance needs, with interactive animation and gamification to potentially tackle FWD’s problem statement. Pivot is an interactive storytelling game where the players' decisions can alter the storyline of the game. The game will be centered around a couple going through the life stages of a Newly Married. Players will make action and conversation decisions. Some decisions may affect the plot and bring the players down different paths of the story, while some will not. Players can immerse themselves in the stories through exploration and see how their decisions can impact the ending."


SP Sustainability Matters