BCHFaultReport, a fault reporting system that is designed to be easy to use, lightweight, highly customisable and can be quickly deployed. The system was created using react framework and libraries, Node.Js and google firebase NOQSL
database. The system is researched and designed alongside the current fault reporting method sued by Bee Cheng Hiang. This allows the system to be kept as simple as possible with creature comforts functions, such as automated data
logging, system generated variables and email alerts. The system uses firebase inbuilt user authentication to create and manage users, only authorised personnel can access this function.
To report a fault, use the mobile app, BCHFaultReport, available for android and ios. Simply scan a QR code provided and select fault details. Not only can the mobile app report faults but it can also submit customer feedback. After
Scanning the QR code, user can select customer feedback option and fill out the necessary details. The web application allows backend teams to view the reported faults. As well as manage a host of functions such as adding or removing
stores, QR codes, fault templates and viewing user logs.