Whistleblowing Policy

  1. Singapore Polytechnic (SP) is committed to the highest standard of integrity and honesty in the conduct of its activities. If there are any wrong doings, they need to be addressed.

  2. Situations which may warrant reporting include the mismanagement or misuse of resources, as well as inappropriate conduct and behaviour which are not in line with SP’s code of conduct. Other reportable incidents include, but are not limited to:
    • Misuse of public funds
    • Miscarriage of justice
    • Need to avert a potential or actual disaster
    • Cover-up of a criminal offence
    • Failure to observe a legal obligation
    • Endangering the health or safety of persons or the environment
    • Financial and non-financial administrative malpractice, e.g., not observing proper procedures for tendering
    • Fraud or deliberately including false or incorrect information in the preparation, evaluation, review, audit of financial accounts and records
    • Academic or professional malpractice, e.g., violation of intellectual property rights or displaying a lack of integrity by plagiarising the research of others
    • Misrepresentation of eligibility for grants, manipulation of the research process, plagiarism, wilfully misrepresenting research outcomes, violation of regulations, failure to comply with applicable ethical codes, conflict of interest (not amounting to financial fraud), manipulation of research data or unauthorised use of data.
    • Inappropriate conduct or unethical behaviour, which includes, but is not limited to, workplace harassment
    • Wilful suppression or concealment of any relevant information relating to wrongful practices
    • Corruption; Seeking, obtaining, offering commissions; bribery, embezzlement, cheating, theft or other acts of dishonesty, forgery, falsification or fraudulent alteration of financial documents and submission of fictitious financial documents
    • Conflict of interest without due disclosure
    • Unauthorised access or disclosure of data & information
    • Acts of causing harm, retaliation, intimidation, discrimination or unfair treatment against a person who have made an allegation or assisted in the investigation of an allegation
    • Participation in or condoning a reportable wrongdoing through wilful suppression or concealment of any information relating to a wrongdoing
    • Posting/ sharing extremist views, expressing intent to and/or inciting others to participate in acts of violence, making remarks that promote ill-will or hatred towards people of other races or religions

  3. Staff, public and contractors/vendors who raise their concerns under this policy need not fear any repercussions provided that:
    • the concern was made in good faith;
    • they have reason to believe that allegations made can be substantiated;
    • they are not acting for personal gain or out of a personal grievance.

  4. All reports will be treated in confidence.

  5. While the institution is desirous of acting against any wrongdoing and would welcome information, the making of false, frivolous or misleading allegations will not be condoned. Should it be found that a person acted in such a manner, the following actions may be considered:
    • for employees – disciplinary action.

  6. Concerns may be raised to Director HR, Principal and Chief Executive Officer (PCEO) or Audit Committee Chairman by completing the form in this link Whistle Blowing. For concerns related to grants administered by MOE (ARD and CRO), you may also write to MOE_ARD@moe.gov.sg and for grants administered by SSG, you may write to Research_Office@ssg.gov.sg. SP strongly encourages the whistle-blower to leave his/her name in the complaint so that SP can get more information, seek clarifications and investigate the matter effectively. Please select who you wish to report your concerns to.

  7. The details of the incident/matter may be disclosed to the relevant SP Department/School in order for them to conduct investigations and law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities, if required.

  8. A whistleblower has the option to identify himself / herself or remain anonymous. However, concerns expressed or information provided anonymously will be investigated on the basis of their merits. Vague or insufficient information can impede the investigation process and consequently allegations may not be pursued.