Pre-U Seminar

The Pre-University (Pre-U) Seminar is the annual platform which usually takes place in June, where students from different educational institutions come together to achieve a better understanding of issues relevant to Singapore’s progress. The seminar was launched in 1970 and is jointly organised by the Ministry of Education and a Pre-U institution.

Every year, about 20 SP students will be selected to represent SP in the seminar where more than 500 nominated students from 35 pre-universities, polytechnics, sports and arts schools will gather to discuss, brainstorm and present ideas on a given theme.

There will be expert interviews, learning journeys and interactions with fellow Pre-U Seminar participants. Students will get a chance to meet Ministers and even present their ideas to them during the Opening/Closing Ceremonies.


Pre-U Seminar 2022


The Pre-U Seminar 2022, organised by the MOE and the National Junior College (NJC), will take place from 31 May to 3 June 2022.

The main theme of this year’s Pre-U Seminar is ‘Service: Forging the Singapore Story’.  A total of 550 selected participants from 30 schools (JCs, integrated programme schools, polytechnics, specialised independent schools and privately funded schools) will be taking part in this narrative-centric approach seminar which will unfold in 3 stages of (1) Listen with Empathy (2) leverage with Sensitivity and (3) lead with Creativity.

Pre-Seminar Programme (March to May 2022)

March 2022

The Pre-Seminar Workshop, 12 March, Saturday, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm via zoom

A half-day (AM) online workshop where participants will be introduced to the approach of the Seminar. The workshop will unpack the theme, approach and focus of the seminar.

March – May 2022

During the months of March to May, each group will engage in dialogic conversations with their RPs. Thereafter, participants will meet with their POFs to understand their narratives.

Seminar Programme (31 May – 3 June 2022)

Day 1: 31 May 2022

Opening Ceremony (OC)

Participants will listen to the opening address of the Guest-of-Honour (GOH), as well as engage with the GOH in Q&A and discussion on issues surfaced in the speech. Participants can be gathered in their groups to intermingle within existing SMMs and “cohortisation”.

Learning Journeys – ‘Leverage with Sensitivity’

Participants will embark on learning journeys to deepen their understanding of the theme of the seminar as well as generate insights on Singapore issues. . This experience will inform their understanding of the broader national landscape, so that they can contextualise the narratives and role of their Person of Focus (POF).

Day 2: 1 June 2022

Group Discussions – ‘Lead with Creativity’

Participant groups within each cohort will reflect on and share their findings from the Learning Journeys conducted in Day 1. This will allow the exchange of perspectives among groups exploring different POFs.

Panel Discussions – ‘Leverage with Sensitivity’

There will be panel discussions with invited speakers, with each exploring different aspects of the Seminar theme. Panellists with different domains of expertise will share their knowledge and experience, as well as engage in dialogue with participants.

Participants will also prepare their Deliverables in readiness for consultation with their POFs on Day 3.

Day 3: 2 June 2022

Group Discussions – ‘Lead with Creativity’

Participant groups will meet to reflect and share their thoughts from the Panel Discussions conducted in Day 2. This will allow the exchange of perspectives among groups exploring different POFs.

Preparation for Presentation of Deliverables

Participants work in their groups to prepare their Deliverable for the final presentation on the appointed digital platform, and as part of the Closing Ceremony.

Day 4: 3 June 2022

Special Preview Showcase

Participant groups will meet with their POFs to share their Deliverables, affirming the value of various individual narratives in the larger Singapore story.

Closing Ceremony

Participants, in their cohorts, will have the opportunity to explore the Deliverables from their peers during the Closing Ceremony Festival. These multimedia Deliverables will be displayed in an exhibition hall.

During the special showcase, Deliverables from selected groups will be featured for the GOH and invited guests. The GOH will then offer his closing remarks, and engage in a dialogue with participants.
