DCPE Alumni James Lim En Hui Clinched Prestigious Smart Nation Scholarship 2020

Possibly, the first EEE student who has landed on the Smart Nation Scholarship (SNS), James Lim En Hui had to go through four rounds of gruelling interviews before attaining the study award. With the achievement, he joined the small number of outstanding and dynamic individuals who are passionate about having a technology career and using technology to make a difference to the public service. The SNS, which develops and nurtures technology talents and leaders within the public service, is offered by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), Government Technology Agency (GovTech), and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). Judging by the small number who have been awarded the SNS in the past years, which is only 14 recipients selected out of 614 applicants in 2019 and 9 out of 233 in 2018, James could count himself among the very few who have been assessed to be worthy and deserving of the coveted and prestigious award. And that is not surprising considering that he was the 2020 Gold Medallist for the Diploma in Computer Engineering course, EEE’s Lee Kuan Yew Award Winner and an SP Model Student.

James has accepted the SNS offer and would be pursuing a degree in Computer Science at the National University of Singapore.

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