EEE team in Top 5 for Lee Hsien Loong IDM Smart Nation Award 2022

EEE team was being selected as the top 5 award winners for the Lee Hsien Loong IDM (Interactive Digital Media) Smart Nation Award, with their project “Cloud-based Wastewater Sampling System for COVID-19 Lab Tracing”. The award recognises IDM projects that fulfil the Smart Nation vision of harnessing technology to improve the lives of citizens, create more opportunities and build stronger communities in four focus areas namely Smart Mobility, Smart Living, Smart Health and Wellness and Digital Services. The award also reinforces the SkillsFuture movement due to the applied nature of the projects.

Their project, with cloud-based application, allowed for real-time remote monitoring and control of waste water sampler system; and would also provide real-time alerts to the operators upon detection of abnormal conditions, enabling prompt intervention. This greatly reduced the need for extensive manpower that was previously required for regular on-site visits to the samplers, i.e. hundreds of samplers deployed throughout Singapore, to check for issues such as flat battery or spoilt motor, which can adversely affect the accuracy of Covid-19 virus tracing, for which the waste water samples were screened. The system also incorporated the use of solar panels to charge the battery, reducing the need for battery replacement. This project thus greatly enhanced the productivity and efficiency of the waste water sampler operators.

The team was guided by staffs Fauziah Othman, Phyoe Kyaw Kyaw, Chong Siew Ping and Clement Chew. Details of the team are as follows:

   Name of student Diploma Year
1Chow Jing Xiang DASE AY22 Graduate
2Kelvin Lek Teng Chee DCPE AY22 Graduate
3Lu Zi XingDEEE AY22 Graduate
4RajaSekaran KarthikDASE AY22 Graduate
SP Sustainability Matters