Studying Computers, Excelling in it

A few words from 2014 DCPE top graduate Lai Qing Hui on what he thinks makes SP education worthwhile.

2014 DCPE top graduate Lai Qing Hui from the Diploma in Computer Engineering (DCPE) has received an offer from Nanyang Technological University to study Computer Engineering with a Minor in Business.

What do you like best about the learning environment in SP? 
I like how the modules are structured in a way where students are first exposed to the basics of the theory in the first term. In the second term, students are then given relevant projects to applied the skills acquired earlier.

It also a plus point where SP include other modules in the curriculum that are from other schools. Modules such as teamwork and communication skills are very essential for the students who will quickly find out why they need them in the near future.

What has been the biggest motivating factor(s) that helped you to perform very well in your course?
The biggest motivating factor came from my passion in what I am learning in school. I am a huge fan of technology! SP gave me an opportunity, and the resources to learn and do things that I love doing! When you are doing what u love, it's only natural that you will excel in it!

What are your most memorable moments in SP?
When I was entrusted to present on behalf of my Tech group during the SP Engineering Show. I had to present all of the projects in my Tech group to the Principal and CEO of SP, Officials from the Singapore Police Force, Directors from Infocomm Development Authority and many other esteem VIPs. It was a nerve-wracking experience but no doubt one of proudest moment in my life!

SP is turning 60 this year. Do you have any message for SP?
Congratulation SP! The first Polytechnic in Singapore! After spending three years in SP, it has become my second home. I’m sure many of the students feel the same way too! Continue to nurture talents and help making dreams come true! With SP, it's so possible!

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