Over 236 industry guests and 370 visitors from secondary schools visited the SP Engineering Show (SPES) 2019 on 17 and 18 January 2019 at the eleven² where we were honoured to have Mr Tan Kiat How, Chief Executive of IMDA, to grace the opening ceremony. In addition, Singapore Polytechnic, Singtel and Ericsson also signed a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on the new 5G Mobile Wireless Technology by launching an Innovation laboratory in SP, named, 5G Garage. The event was reported by Straits Times, The Business Times, Lianhe Zaobao etc. 

More than merely an annual display of the final year engineering projects of students, the exhibition was a fascinating showcase of our students’ innovation efforts to solve real life problems. A total of 43 student project booths on display were a fruition of the students’ application of knowledge and skills gained over the past 2 and a half years, and their training in the Conceive, Design, Implement & Operate (CDIO) curriculum and Design Thinking framework.

This year’s projects, involved 284 students from 6 academic schools, namely, School of Architecture & Built Environment, School of Chemical Life Sciences, School of Computing, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, School of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering and the Singapore Maritime Academy. Their themes spanned a broad spectrum, ranging from “Cleantech & Built Environment”, “Healthcare & Wellness”, “Industrial & Automation”, “Transport & Mobility” to “Infocomm & Media”. Some of these projects involved industry partners while others were multi-disciplinary that drew the collaboration of students from different schools. 5 industry-ready R&D projects by staff from SP’s Department for Technology, Innovation and Enterprise (TIE), were also on display under the `SP Tech to Market’ segment.

The Show, with its large engineering offerings, had drawn positive feedback from many visitors.

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Opening Ceremony of SPES 2019 & 5G Garage with management team from SP, Singtel, Ericsson and IMDA 

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SP Students posing with their respective projects that were showcased during SPES 2019

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Secondary school students trying out a Bluetooth controlled two wheelers.

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Exhibitors interacting with visitors and industry guests by sharing more about their projects that seek to solve
real life problems.

SP Sustainability Matters