4,400 new jobs added in manufacturing sector in first half (Ch5)

18 Oct 2023

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1. 4,400 new jobs added in manufacturing sector in first half (CNA)

18 Oct 2023

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Singapore Polytechnic collaborates with MRANTI to provide cross-border internship opportunities

18 Oct 2023

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Singapore Polytechnic and MRANTI to foster better knowledge exchange and cross-border insights

18 Oct 2023

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TODAY Youth Survey: Large majority say having a degree is still necessary to succeed in S'pore, expect their children to attain it

17 Oct 2023

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HR professionals under pressure to upskill amid changing workplace demands

16 Oct 2023

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Seri Thera (Singapore Polytechnic) - G11 Girls’ Category

15 Oct 2023

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Fixed for a century: Large floating raft ''Millennium Bugs'' compete on the river

11 Oct 2023

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Uncle returns to campus, Graduates from uni at age 73

10 Oct 2023

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Poly students win gold in second stage of WorldSkills Competition

06 Oct 2023

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Interview with Johan Chin

05 Oct 2023

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SMEs can exchange ideas for going green, get mentors from big firms through new platform

04 Oct 2023

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A century of innovation in Singapore

03 Oct 2023

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A conduit for cross-border business opportunities

03 Oct 2023

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Youth Model ASEAN Conference

03 Oct 2023

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Over 100 students exchanged views on regional development issues in Youth Model ASEAN Conference

02 Oct 2023

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Youth Model ASEAN Conference will be held at SP until Wednesday

02 Oct 2023

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Digital intelligence soldiers can fight without going to the front lines

01 Oct 2023

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MSF-NUS tie-up sees over 400 student volunteers helping families living in rental flats

01 Oct 2023

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First Malay woman to become a commercial pilot, Farhain Abu Bakar is now a Captain

30 Sep 2023

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Skygazers get lucky as break in clouds lets them catch year’s last supermoon

30 Sep 2023

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SP Sustainability Matters