Roll of Honour

The top students from graduating diploma courses have been short-listed and interviewed for the following top awards:

Lee Kuan Yew Award

The Lee Kuan Yew Awards are presented to the three top graduates from the technology or computer related courses at each of the Polytechnics.

This award was presented for the first time in 1993 by the then Senior Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who had donated the honorarium, received from one of his speaking engagements overseas.

Toh Chin Chye Gold Medal

The Toh Chin Chye Gold Medal is one of the most coveted prizes in Singapore Polytechnic. The award is named after Dr Toh Chin Chye who was the Chairman of the Singapore Polytechnic Board of Governors from 1959 to 1975.

Dr Toh gave the Polytechnic the motto "Berkhidmat Dengan Keahlian" (To Serve with Skill) which still remains as the cornerstone of our educational philosophy today. Dr Toh was instrumental in charting new directions for the Polytechnic's development and in planning the institution's relocation to its present campus at Dover Road.

Low Guan Onn Gold Medal

The Low Guan Onn Gold Medal was instituted in memory of the late Mr Low Guan Onn, who was the Chairman of the Polytechnic's Board of Governors from 1975 to 1979.

Mr Low oversaw the move from the Prince Edward Road campus to the present site in Dover Road. Mr Low is well-remembered for his vision of the well-rounded Polytechnic graduate who is central to the nation's industrialization programme.

Chua Chor Teck Gold Medal

The Chua Chor Teck Gold Medal was first awarded in 1986. The late Mr Chua Chor Teck was the Chairman of the Polytechnic's Board of Governors from 1980 to 1986.

As Chairman, he guided the Polytechnic from 1982 to 1986 through a five year physical expansion programme - a crucial phase of the Polytechnic's development. He also initiated the Corporate Planning exercise in 1984 to steer the Polytechnic's growth into the 1990's.

Tan Kay Yong Gold Medal

The Tan Kay Yong Gold Medal was introduced from 2012 to honour Mr Tan, who was Chairman of the Polytechnic's Board of Governors from 2000 to 2012.

As Chairman, he was instrumental in steering the polytechnic in providing a holistic education, fostering global mindsets, creating a student-centric campus and building technical capabilities. He is also well remembered for guiding the Polytechnic in the frontiers of design, to make design thinking a hallmark of SP graduates, and establishing the SP Design School.

Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal

The Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal was first awarded in 1994. It is awarded annually to an outstanding Polytechnic graduate who advanced from the Institute of Technical Education, at each of the Polytechnics.

The Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal is made possible through the Tay Eng Soon Scholarship Fund. In 1994, the Fund was established in memory of the late Dr Tay Eng Soon who played a pivotal role in the development of polytechnic and technical education.


Graduation 2022 Donors

Singapore Polytechnic wishes to acknowledge the following organisations and individuals for donating prizes to our graduands: List of Donors 2022

*Group photos were taken pre-Covid 19.