Food donation drive with Willing Hearts

14 Sep 2022

Over the course of two weeks in late July 2022, the Diploma in Applied Chemistry (DAPC) and the Diploma of Perfumery and Cosmetics Science (DPCS) Student Chapters held a food donation drive with Willing Hearts, a charitable organisation run wholly by volunteers to provide daily meals to the public in need.

Due to the Covid-19 situation and rising inflation, many people have been struggling in one way or another to cope with the rising cost of living. Determined to help in any way possible, the students decided to revive their food donation drive from last year. The team was heartened to see many students stepping in to pay it forward and give back to the community. A total of 184 food items were donated to Willing Hearts.

The student volunteers pledged to continue with this good cause by bringing more people together and making a greater impact on the community.

DAPC-Food Donation Drive
Student volunteers with the donated food items

"I found the activity fun and enjoyable and I am glad to be able to interact with other peers in my course while taking part in a meaningful project that benefits others.’"

Jerone Ong Wen Xiang
Current Year 1 student

"The food donation drive was a very enriching experience; Being able to give back to the community with such small gestures really highlights how everyone is able to contribute back to society fairly easily!"

Lionel Oo Jia Jun
Current Year 1 student

"I appreciate opportunities like this because I am able to give back to my community, just as they have helped my family!

Iris Yeong Si Han
Current Year 2 student

SP Sustainability Matters