From SP Biomedical Science to NUS medical school

02 Nov 2022

Four Biomedical Science (DBS) alumni from the Class of 2022 shared their journey from Singapore Polytechnic to the National University of Singapore Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine:

Jeremiah Tang Je Re

Jeremiah’s interest for medicine started during his secondary school years which he spent overseas. In the new environment, he observed the differences in healthcare systems and was very much inspired to contribute to his, back in Singapore.
Enrolled in the DBS course to get an early exposure to the medical sciences, he credits it for deepening his growing fascination with the subject. His favourite memories were learning about the human physiology and the subsequent hands-on practical that followed.
To gain an understanding of the healthcare sector and give back in a personal capacity, Jeremiah volunteered with various organizations - supporting underprivileged children, the elderly, and cancer survivors. This was his key takeaway: ‘It’s often the smallest actions that magnify the loudest. Watching the smiles of others from the tiny actions we can all do really puts life into perspective. The act of service, born from a place of humility and compassion is a unique privilege that medical professionals have.’ Jeremiah hopes to be a doctor who always remembers ‘why medicine’ and strives to cure sometimes, relieve often, but comfort always.’

Nivrithi Ganesh

The decision to study Medicine was not an epiphany for Nivrithi. She shared how being exposed to a myriad of modules at SP further fuelled her curiosity for Biology. Through modules such as Immunology and Histology, she learnt about the human body's innate ability to fight pathogens and illnesses and how the use of drugs aid in healing.
Nivrithi also spent six months working at GIS A*STAR, where she honed her laboratory skills and harnessed techniques such as immunoprecipitation to study Hepatitis B viral protein-protein interactions. The research attachment was an insightful endeavour for her to understand the science of disease and treatment.
Through active volunteering experiences, Nivrithi realised the importance of caring for people both emotionally and physically. These experiences, together with her strong passion for helping people, inspired her to study Medicine.
She believes that becoming a doctor will involve inherent sacrifice, but feels that it is also a deeply gratifying and fascinating career path. She shared that "acceptance to NUS Medicine means that I can use my knowledge and skills to relieve others of their distress and suffering. I would relish a career requiring the development of strong empathetic relationships with my patients".

Mohamad Iman Bin Imran Lim

After his O Levels, Iman knew he wanted job in healthcare but did not have a specific view of what he wanted. The three years of formal education in the DBS course had given him a clear answer - Medicine.
The capstone modules of the Medical Technology specialisation (Molecular Medical Microbiology, Applied Clinical Chemistry, and Applied Haematology) involve a wide variety of case studies, all of which required Iman to solve problems with the use of differential diagnoses and investigate work. Through Community Involvement Projects (CIPs) related to healthcare, such as weekly visitations to elderly residents in multidisciplinary teams, Iman realised that he enjoyed the process of continuity of care and how he was able to utilise it to substantiate concrete and significant changes in the people he volunteered for.
A five-month internship as a clinic and nurse assistant at the Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital allow Imran to work in the front lines alongside doctors and other healthcare staff on a daily basis. This ultimately cemented Iman's decision to pursue medicine.

Chloe Lin Ying Xuan Chloe

It was the experiences and course modules offered by the DBS course that shaped Chloe’s interest in medicine. Histology, pathology and anatomy in the course curriculum were instrumental in her decision to join the course.
Throughout her SP journey, she had the opportunity to volunteer with Lakeside Family Services and Lions Befrienders, where she realised her passion towards caring for others. Her internship experience at the National Heart Centre Singapore as a Cardio technologist intern was where she found her true calling in Medicine. Shadowing her seniors, she realised that the healthcare system consists of multi-disciplinary teams of professionals including nurses, physiotherapists and social workers working together, ensuring the most effective treatment plans for each patient.
Chloe hopes to be a good doctor who is knowledgeable and resilient, who always treats patients as people and who values working in a multi-disciplinary team.

CLS alumni in medicine
(Back row, from left to right) Clifton Loh Joon Keong (Diploma in Optometry, Class of 2022), Jeremiah Tang Je Re Jeremiah, Nivrithi Ganesh and Mohamad Iman Bin Imran Lim
(Front row, from left to right) Joanne Wong (Diploma in Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Class of 2022) and Chloe Lin Ying Xuan 
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