School Overview

Singapore Skyline


If your surroundings are more than just a place to you, perhaps you should consider making your mark on them! Here at the School of Architecture and the Built Environment, we'll take you on a journey of discovery about the places you pass through from day to day. Students are moulded into professionals to execute concepts and designs for a built environment that is conducive for quality living.


From architecture to events management, we are the only school currently offering a comprehensive range of built environment programmes. Strong support for well-trained specialists  are needed to design and maintain  buildings and infrastructure projects to achieve the Singaporean identity and facilitate a vibrant lifestyle. With many built environment developments in the pipeline, there will be ample opportunities for graduates in the future.



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Contact Us

Mailing Address
School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Singapore Polytechnic
500 Dover Road
Singapore 139651


(65) 6775 1133



SP Sustainability Matters