DEPM Faith_2020 content

Faith Ng Luo Fei

Diploma in Events and Project Management
Class of 2020
City Neon Events Gold Medal

My passion for events was first nurtured in secondary school when I had to frequently plan and organize activities as well as camps for my CCA (Girl Guides). I was first introduced to Singapore Polytechnic’s Diploma in Integrated Events & Project Management (DEPM) when I attended the SP Open House in 2017. As I was always interested in the life of an event and project manager, I took an interest in the course and subsequently enrolled in DEPM.

My journey in DEPM has been a fruitful and enriching one. Through the diverse range of modules offered in the curriculum, DEPM allowed me to deepen my knowledge and develop skills that are pivotal in the 21st century. The various tutorials and projects coupled with site visits also enabled me to apply the knowledge learnt in class. Over the past 3 years, I was also given countless opportunities to conceptualise, plan, and execute events together with my classmates

One of the most rewarding experience was the 22-week internship programme at Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd where I was able to gain invaluable work experience and exposure to the work industry. Through the programme, I have grown to become a confident individual who is well-equipped with skills that are necessary to excel in working life.

Outside of the academic curriculum, I also had the privilege to serve in an Overseas Community Service Project to Bhakunde Besi, Nepal for two weeks. I was exposed to new cultures and experiences and was challenged to step out of my comfort zone. Through the project, I discovered more about myself as an individual. It was truly a meaningful community service opportunity which certainly broadened my horizon.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my family, friends and lecturers for their continuous support and guidance over the past 3 years - thank you for making my journey in SP a truly memorable one!

SP Sustainability Matters