Graduates Content 2019_DEPM Hang Zi Qi

Hang Ziqi

Diploma in Events and Project Management
Class of 2019
City Neon Events Gold Medal

In secondary school, I realised I had a knack for planning and organising events. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after a well-executed camp for my CCA made me realise my passion. I became determined to continue my education in an events management course and I applied for and was accepted into ABE’s Diploma in Integrated Events and Project Management (DEPM) course via the Direct Polytechnic Admission (DPA).

At DEPM, I embarked on a rigorous journey towards event studies. Apart from our classwork, we were also given various chances to work closely with Industry Partners, which had enabled us to apply what we learnt in classrooms on the field. For the Integrated Project in our second year, my team and I worked with Singapore Discovery Centre. Over a period of a few months, we were tasked with conceptualising and creating an event entirely from scratch and were able to garner a turnout of more than 700 attendees. This was a huge feat for us.

Other than DEPM’s own academic plans, I partook in the SPOT Programme and was awarded with the Red Tier (Outstanding) level of certification. Also, I became the Secretary of my CCA in SP Red Cross and went for numerous LEAP workshops, allowing me to achieve the LEAP Certificate. Through all these other activities offered by SP, I was able to develop my leadership skills, broaden my perspective on the world and basically grow as an individual.

Of course, I did not come so far without the help of my fellow peers and lecturers. The support I received and shared with a variety of people has made my journey in SP a fruitful and memorable one. These 3 years in SP has certainly been tough, but it has also been, without a doubt, the best years of my life thus far.

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