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Heng Sze Hui Sabrina

Class of 2014


Diploma in Integrated Events & Project Management (with Merit)

Singapore Tourism Board Gold Medal

CEMS Prize

Sentosa 4D AdventureLand Prize

Before I entered SP, I was not really sure what I wanted to study. Believe it or not, it was only through a process of elimination that led to my decision to study events management. However, this random decision turned out to be one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life. 

All in all, my three years in SP turned out to be a very enjoyable experience. Through the various modules and projects I studied in SP, I was able to gain valuable insights and knowledge on the events industry. Furthermore, the lecturers in DEPM really knew how to make seemingly boring topics a whole lot more interesting! Apart from studying, each of the DEPM students was given plenty of opportunities and exposure to be involved in events. Some of these events that I was involved in included the Singapore International Water Week 2011, Singapore Flyer's Fright Fest 2012 and Singapore Polytechnic Open House 2013.  

One of the most memorable experiences that I had in SP was hanging out with my classmates and CCA mates at the food courts during our breaks. Although these activities seemed routine and ordinary, I really cherished the bonds and conversations I had with my friends during that short period of time. 

In my third year, I had the opportunity to intern at a PR firm. The experience there allowed me to view events from a different outlook and it helped broadened my perspective of events. In addition, the job helped me to realise that as an organiser, I had to be more sensitive to the needs of our stakeholders. 

My three years in SP has made me realised that I was really fortunate to have met wonderful classmates, lecturers and CCA mates who all made my experience in SP so unforgettable. A big thanks to all my family, lecturers, friends and coaches for all the encouragement you have given me! I would not have made it this far without the support from you all! And last but not least, thanks for the memories, SP! 




SP Sustainability Matters