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Walter Tan

Class of 2013


Lee Kuan Yew Award

Singapore Tourism Board Gold Medal

Banyan Tree Global Foundations Prize

Division Communications Prize

OCBC Prize

Sentosa 4D Magix Prize

Shell Companies in Singapore Prize


Currently reading the Bachelor of Business Administration at National University of Singapore

(NUS University Scholars Program)

Although this course was not my first choice, I have not regretted a single bit. In fact, I was happy that I ended up in a course which I have never thought could have given me such great exposure to the events industry as well as personal development as a Singapore Polytechnic student. 

During my time in SP, I was given a holistic education through many local and overseas programmes. Some of these programmes include participating in the Singapore Compact Young Corporate Social Responsibility Leaders Competition where I had to compete against many universities and colleges, attending the Youth Creativity, Innovation and Sustainable Leadership programme at Stanford University in California, as well as embarking on an overseas community service trip to Shanxi Province in China. These exposures and learning experiences has nurtured me to be a well-rounded student. 

Through my 5 months internship, I was also given the opportunity to plan and execute events for high profile clients such as Gatsby, H&M, Citibank, Nike and many more. This on-the-job learning has also reaffirmed and grew my passion to continue in the events industry. The hiccups and unexpected turn of events that I encountered during the internship definitely shaped me into a more mature individual. 

Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the lecturers in School of Architecture and Built Environment for their kind guidance and the golden opportunities given to me. Without the help of these lecturers, I would not have gone so far either. 

Thank you Singapore Polytechnic! 


SP Sustainability Matters