DEEE alumni awarded prestigious scholarship award

Javier Ng Yi Xiang, a DEEE alumnus, has been awarded the prestigious ESG Global Executive Scholarship for further study in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NTU. He has indeed come a long way since his playful days as a secondary school student who did not make it to the Express stream.

Javier’s inclination towards logical thinking, solving real-world problems and designing things to improve the living environment led him to choose EEE at SP. The lecturers at EEE played a key role in enabling him to have a strong understanding of the modules. He was also keen to give back to the school by volunteering as a peer tutor in coaching his academically weaker peers, an experience he said was beneficial to him too as it allowed him to better internalise the subjects taught. 

Javier was grateful to the school for giving him the opportunity to apply for the ESG Global Executive Scholarship and helping to polish up his portfolio and interview skills, which helped him to clinch the scholarship. Scholarship holders will be afforded opportunities to attend exchange programmes, pick up foreign languages and undergo enriching internships, as part of their holistic scholarship experience. Scholars who perform well may also be given the chance to pursue their Masters' degrees.

Picture with Chairman Peter Ong

SP Sustainability Matters