EEE alumnus awarded Singapore-Industry Scholarship
Luqman Nur Hakim Mohamed Erwan Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Class of 2023
Luqman Nur Hakim Mohamed Erwan, a DEEE alumnus, has been awarded the Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SGIS). Luqman's interest in electronics was sparked by his father who repairs the electrical appliances around their home. His father worked with
SP Group as a senior cable fitter and would often explain his work to Luqman, of the intricate cabling work involved, including the challenges he faced. Upon graduation with SP, Luqman is currently furthering his studies in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering at NTU and plans to pursue a career in the electrical sector, like his father. Luqman was grateful to EEE for its supportive environment which fostered his personal and academic growth through its dedicated lecturers and comprehensive
curriculum; and equipped him with the competencies to clinch the Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SgIS). Scholarship holders will be afforded opportunities to kickstart their careers with sponsoring organisations from Singapore’s strategic
sectors through professional development programs such as mentorships, Leaders’ Forums and SgIS Scholars’ Network among others.