2 EEE teams clinched first place at Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition (SAFMC) 2022


Seven DASE students participated in the Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition (SAFMC) 2022 held from 4 to 16 Apr 22, and did EEE proud. The SAFMC competition is jointly organised by DSO and Science Centre Singapore, and supported by Ministry of Defence (MINDEF). Open to all schools and participants locally and internationally, this annual competition aims to provide a learning journey with special talks, workshops and live demonstrations which allow students to push the boundaries of innovation by designing and creating extraordinary flying machines.

The students took part in three categories, out of five which EEE students were eligible for:

  1. Cat C2 FPV Flight: Design and build a ducted (shielded propeller) first-person view (FPV) drone to compete in an obstacle course. One team participated.
  2. Cat C3 FPV Flight (Advance): Design and build a ducted (shielded propeller) first-person view (FPV) drone to compete in an advance obstacle course. Two teams participated.
  3. Cat D1 Semi-Autonomous: Design and build a system of up to three small semi-autonomous air platforms, operated using intuitive controls via wearable devices to perform a multitude of tasks. Two teams participated.

Of the five teams, two teams emerged as champions; while another two teams were first runner-up. One of the winning teams, Team DLS in Cat D1 category that came up top against universities such as SUTD, NTU, was also invited for flight demonstration and static display to Guest-of-Honour Mr. Heng Chee How (Senior Minister of State in the Ministry of Defence). Details of the teams are as follows:

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