EEE student won Bronze Award for ICDL Asia Digital Challenge 2022

Eric Yu

Year 3 DASE student, Eric Yu, attained the Bronze Award for ICDL Asia Digital Challenge 2022, Design Track, Tertiary level on 8 Sep 2022 after winning the local round to represent Singapore in the Grand Final.

The ICDL Asia Digital Challenge supported by Alibaba Cloud, Enterprise Ireland, Siemens and Skillsbox, is an annual competition targeted at secondary and tertiary school students in Asia. With digital economy gaining momentum globally, this competition aims to expose contestants to emerging technologies, design, and the use of office application tools and for them to demonstrate how digital skills can be applied in the new digital economy. ICDL Asia Digital Challenge 2022 focused on practical digital skills required for various types of professional work in the market place and for the future.

Eric designed a concept futuristic autonomous vehicle, powered by hydrogen, with elements that would allow it to move across different terrains and perform human-like functions.

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