Flying dream soaring high at SP – Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Licence (No limitation)


Since young, Shu Hong (Class of 2022) has had a great passion and interest to fly remote-controlled (RC) drones and helicopters. While choosing electives in his second year, he came across the poly-wide elective on Unmanned Aircraft Flying and Drone Technologies (UAFDT). This elective module covers the general UAS knowledge, principles of flights, air law, navigation and meteorology, human factors and safety & operations which aligns to the CAAS Unmanned Aircraft Pilot Licence (UAPL) syllabus. He was intrigued and took up the elective module. Along the way, Shu Hong was also inspired by his lecturer who has an UAPL and was encouraged to pursue it.

SP, being an approved CAAS Unmanned Aircraft Training and Assessment Organisation (UATO), provided Shu Hong an edge in his endeavour to pursue his UAPL. UAFDT elective module, offered by SP, had also well prepared him to pass the UAPL theory test as it covered the comprehensive knowledge that is required. The practical lab sessions allowed him to practise flying the drone which further honed his piloting skills. Coupled with his past flying experiences, he was able to pass the UAPL practical assessments for Class A Rotorcraft category without limitation. As a holder of the Class A Rotorcraft UAPL (without limitations), Shu Hong was able to fly drones for business purposes, and become an UA pilot instructor and authorised flight examiner. With the UAPL, it had enhanced his employability and Shu Hong is well poised to seize the growing opportunities in the operations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems across many industry sectors in Singapore.

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