Mavis Ng Yu Han Awarded Overseas Poly-goes-UAS Scholarship to study in Germany

I wasn’t always good at my studies and remembered I couldn’t even go ITE with my ‘N’ level prelim results. I spent 3 months working hard to prepare for my ‘N’ level and during that time, I discovered my interest in Math and Science. One year later, when my results for the ‘O’ levels came out, I decided to further my studies in electronics, which I enjoyed a lot. Combined with my interest in airplanes, I decided aerospace electronics was a perfect fit for me.

As I have passion for engineering and innovation, I joined the Engineering Academy programme which exposed me to mechanical engineering and design thinking. With this, I had the opportunity to experience how various disciplines of engineering crossed each other and learnt more in the process.

Nearing the end of my 3 years in SP, I was invited to apply for the Poly-goes-UAS scholarship. Eventually I was shortlisted and awarded the Poly-goes-UAS industry scholarship. I will be studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Germany till 2023.

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