Zheng Jinhe Awarded NUS Engineering Scholarship

I was an introvert when I first came to Singapore Polytechnic. I was afraid and nervous to talk to unfamiliar people. Then, I realized that I needed a change in my life, so I decided to step out of my comfort zones and took part in events. I could still remember the first event I took part was SP Open House. My assigned role was to manage the project exhibition where I was tasked to explain projects to the visitors. At first, I was nervous and hesitant to approach visitors but after a few rounds, I realized that I gained confidence from it and it was actually not as bad as what I thought. From there, I decided to take the opportunity to join SEEE Student Ambassador. With the opportunities provided, I continued to take part in various events to further develop myself holistically. Apart from SEEE Student Ambassador, I also took up the key appointment position for IES-SP Student Chapter to organise professional activities such as industry visit to ST Engineering Aerospace and technical talks. In addition, I have taken part in different competitions to apply what I had learnt in my course to solve real world problems. It was an eye-opener to me and I realized there were still many things I can learn in the field of engineering. Therefore, with a GPA of 3.981, I will be pursing my undergraduate studies at NUS under the Engineering Scholars Programme.

Zheng Jinhe

SP Sustainability Matters